Wednesday, December 14, 2022

US Congress Approves High-Priority Munitions Production Under Wartime Procurement Powers

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jeric HErnandez, 86th Munitions Squadron quality assurance inspector, inspects a fresh shipment of large ordnance on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Oct. 19, 2018. Ramstein recently received one of its largest munitions shipments in recent history. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Joshua Magbanua)  

Defense News: Congress supersizes munitions production with emergency authorities 

WASHINGTON — Congress is set to allocate more than $8 billion to bolster high-priority munitions production while granting the Pentagon wartime procurement powers to help Ukraine fight Russia and refill U.S. stockpiles. 

The $858 billion National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal 2023, which the House passed 350-80 on Thursday and is expected to face a Senate vote this week, authorizes more than $2.7 billion in across-the-board munitions funding. That’s on top of $5.9 billion for the Navy to procure additional munitions and expand U.S. industrial base production capacity. Congress is still negotiating a final appropriations package to fund the munitions authorizations alongside other domestic priorities. 

Furthermore, a series of emergency munitions provisions in the NDAA are intended to speed up the process by waiving multiple restrictions on Pentagon procurement authorities while allowing it to use multi-year contracts typically reserved for large programs, like Navy vessels and major aircraft.  

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WNU Editor: This procurement is being approved under wartime procurement powers. It looks like the US Congress is not going to wait for this analysis .... Congress supersizes munitions production with emergency authorities (Reuters). This is also another sign that the US is preparing for a major war.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The US can out produce in Russia in arms productions..especially with the sanctions …never-mind all of nato… longer this war goes on the worse it will be for Russia