Wednesday, December 14, 2022

U.S. Congress Wants To Expel Russia From The U.N. Security Council

DNYUZ/Foreign Policy: Congress Wants to Boot Russia From U.N. Security Council 

Two U.S. lawmakers heading up an independent U.S. government human rights watchdog have introduced a resolution that calls on President Joe Biden to boot Russia from the United Nations Security Council, just days before the Kremlin’s flagging full-scale invasion of Ukraine is set to hit its 10-month mark.  

The bipartisan Helsinki Commission, which called on U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to protest Russia’s standing as a permanent Security Council member in October, wants Congress to argue that Russia’s war has violated the “purposes and principles of the United Nations” and asks U.S. government agencies to take steps to limit Russia’s privileges at the U.N., though it gives the administration some free rein to determine how it might act.    

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WNU Editor: not going to happen. The U.N.’s governing charter doesn’t contain any provisions for removing a permanent member of the Security Council. This is just PR.


B.Poster said...

How would that work out? What would the ramifications be? I'm pretty sure the BRICS countries would break off from the UN or lessen ties to it weakening it's influence while much of the world aligns with Russia and the BRICS. It's past time for the US leadership class to adjust polices towards geo political reality instead of ideology. Maybe I'm wrong but this is my take on these events.

Anonymous said...

Yet more clown-world antics.
Never-ending japes by an other-worldly cosmopolitan troupe.

Anonymous said...

"The Security Council consists of fifteen members, of which five are permanent:[6] China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These were the great powers that were the victors of World War II (or their successor states)." - wiki

It seems pretty shitty set up. If china is a member why not India?

China has nukes and so does India.
China has a huge population and so does India, India will surpass that of China.
Would GDP be criteria? If it is, Russia should be booted to the curb like stray.

India could be regarded as a successor state to a WW2 victor. It was spun off from the British Empire.

India should have a seat on the security council. It would improve it. It would mean one less seat for a small or middling power that could be bought coerced. India on the security council would make the world more multipolar and that s what nattering nabobs always say they want. Well put up or shut up.

The Russia would veto it is getting old. Why let a NAZI-like power invade another country without a declaration of war and then escape UN censure? What could be done is defunding the UN. It s not like china or Russia pay their fair share.

Trump defunded one of the UN organizations (WHO). Why not defund the whole thing? There is precedent.

Anonymous said...

You know exactly why India is not a member. It was a British colony when the UN was established and did not become independent until 47 or 48.

You do not like the CHICOMS having a seat on the council? Blame the USA who had the ROC kicked off the Security council in 71.

You want a seat??

Good. Take the British seat and kick the brits off the council. Many of your countrymen would agree since there is still a long term anger against the Brits.

As for invading a country without UN approval, well if you want to enforce that idea, you better look around before 2014 , because you have other candidates for that action.

The Russians? They serve their purpose and both many in India and china see the Russian side not as the ones wronged in this situation.

Anonymous said...

You go one being your ignorant self.

I listed India because of its overall world importance in op. size, GDP and nukes. It was also a victor in WW2, Indian judges sat in judgment of Japanese War criminals.

Also to reiterate, I believe including India would balance things.

ROC was kicked out because the US feared the USSR. CCP bloc. They saw a crack in it and went for it. It was possible in 1971 because the US and China would soon no longer be fighting.

Since you bring up Taiwan, then there is precedent for kicking Russia out.

Did Russia seriously avail itself of the UN to solve the alleged problems? The answer is no.

Russia is having problem in Luhansk and Donetsk with ethnic Russians who do not want to be saved. It is why the Russians are bringing in outside administrators. You are losing. enjoy the loss.

Anonymous said...

You really believe this stuff don't you?

You also like bending facts..
the Indians were not victors. The Empire was the victor. India nearly was along for the ride and were told to provide for the war effort. They had no say in the matter, they were not independent.

So trying to make it look like they were on the same level as the US or Britain after WW2, is an insult to them as they were an occupied land at that time.

The ROC was kicked off because the US abandoned them, simple as that. Another loyal ally kicked to the curb, like the Hmong in Vietnam.

So, what a great precedent you want to use!! Yes, we should use that one for a model of future behavior.

If the ukies would have treated their own people in the Donbass with respect, they would not have revolted against the 2014 US installed government in Kiev in the first place..

I am losing? Really? What a significant statement.!!

What a joke.

Those guys are going to continue to kill each other now no matter what happens. Keep on believing the garbage you have had pounded into your head. Take no responsibility for what the US did to that country. Hope you end up in a CZ some time to see how much fun it is.

Anonymous said...

Any country that targets civilians like Russia should be removed from security council and Russia will be removed. Just wait and see

Anonymous said...

Yea great Idea!! And I am sure all those dead civilians in Somalia, Panama, Iraq, and Afghanistan all would agree with you. And therefore they would want a vote to kick out the USA.

And we will call up the ghosts of Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki to be the jury.

Its war. In all its terror and ugliness. This is not justifiable and should stop. BTW Your Ukie friends are just as guilty

Remove Russia from security council?

Prediction. Nope won't happen. Why? The Chinese will not allow it.

Anonymous said...

Been over this Russian troll. doesn't matter if you are chinese or North Korean same dif)

Afghanistan only had to turnover Osama bin laden. They refused.

The crimes under Saddam have been listed.
In somalia, the US went in under UN flag. Warlord Farah Aidid was stealing UN

relirf supplies and using starvatoon as a weapon.

Your prediction might be moot. it gets bad enough and even the process monkeys move away from the UN.