Wednesday, December 28, 2022

US Emergency Oil Stockpiles Have Dropped To Their Lowest Level Since 1983

The Bryan Mound Strategic Petroleum Reserve, an oil storage facility, is seen in this aerial photograph over Freeport, Texas, U.S., April 27, 2020. REUTERS/Adrees Latif  

FOX News: US emergency oil stockpiles drop to lowest level since 1983 as gas prices tick up  

Keeping emergency oil stockpile levels high is important for U.S. 'energy security and national security,' GOP lawmakers have warned 

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) fell to its lowest level since 1983 last week as U.S. gasoline prices and oil prices ticked up, according to federal data released Wednesday. 

The level of the SPR — an emergency stockpile of crude oil managed by the Department of Energy (DOE) — declined to 375.1 million barrels last week, marking the first time it has fallen below 378 million barrels since December 1983, according to the Energy Information Administration. Prior to last week, the reserve's lowest level since 1983 was recorded on Dec. 30, 1983, when it hit 378.3 million barrels.  

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WNU Editor: With much fanfare it was almost two weeks ago that the announcements was made that the US was going to replenish their oil stocks .... DOE Announces Repurchase of Oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (


Anonymous said...

Elections have consequences. We elected the village idiot, Joe Biden.

Amp1776 said...

Democrats would still vote for him tomorrow. Brainwashed zombies that they are.

Amp1776 said...

Democrats have drawn the conclusion that the two party system doesnt work. They have the DOJ at work to rid them of the second party.

Anonymous said...

the three comments above all ignore a simple fact: Trump did not win because voters did not like what they had, saw in the previous president and voted him out of office.

Anonymous said...

Democrats had to pull every trick in the book including illegal ones to get Biden over the finish line.

Biden won, but he did not win fairly. Five swing states, where Trump is leading, do not all stop counting in the early morning hours simultaneously with out the fix being in.

I find the comments of English professors to be extremely childish, simple and self serving.

Anonymous said...

voters didn't realise what they had. democrat voters are surprisingly naive

Anonymous said...

people in universities are always self serving its so sad

Anonymous said...

1. Do not blame Democrats for Biden's victory. It was that party plus a heck of a lot of independents. A huge popular vote victory and every fraud charge
tossed out of court, including courts with Trump-appointed judges.Trump lost. Bigly.

Anonymous said...

"people in universities are always self serving its so sad" says the guy working the evening shift at Pizza Hut.