Tuesday, December 27, 2022

US Secretary of State Blinken: US Couldn’t Be Supporting Ukraine Right Now If They Were Still In Afghanistan

WNU Editor: US Secretary of State Blinken should not have said that. China is watching and listening.


Anonymous said...

Blinken's dad and uncle were diplomats. Blinken thinks he is a natural. If Blinken's dad or uncle are still alive i wonder if they tell him that he has messed up at times.

Or maybe the apple does not fall far from the tree.

Anonymous said...

if the pictures purporting to be of the Kuznetsov's guts are real, Russia is fucked. It is truly, irrevocably fucked.

It is Russian or American psyops or Russia is fucked.

RussInSoCal said...

My country is led by Harvard educated trust-fund children.

Dave Goldstein said...

What about Japan? Nitwit

fazman said...

They can , as U.S support/involvement t would be primarily air and naval assets

Anonymous said...

you simply fail to understand what Blinken is really doing when he says that. It is too subtle for you.

Anonymous said...

I dunno they do appear pretty nieve at times

Anonymous said...

Blinken was trying to make the Afghanistan debacle look clever to an US audience by saying it allowed Us support f Ukraine.

It was at the expense of telling the world the US's lack of capacity to support 2 fronts.

Not a fair trade; Blinken is an idiot.