Thursday, December 15, 2022

Why Is Russia Deploying A Rare Arctic Air Defense System To Ukraine?


Defence Blog: Russia deploys rare arctic air defense system to Ukraine 

Russian Armed Forces have deployed its rare arctic version of the Tor surface-to-air missile system to Ukraine.  

The Russian Ministry of Defense’s Zvezda TV channel shared footage showing the Tor-M2DT air defense system. The missile launcher has the letter “V” written on its side, which is the letter written on Russian military vehicles that invaded Ukraine.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Tor-M2DT air defense system has been active in the Ukraine conflict since the summer .... Russian TOR-M2 air defense missile system shows high efficiency against Ukrainian drones (Army Recognition). 

But why deploy even more of these systems when Ukraine does not really have an air force and only a limited number of drones? 

Is it because there is an expectation that NATO will directly enter into the Ukraine war? 

This deployment tells me that the answer is yes.


Anonymous said...

So what to do with leaders who

-- escalate wars
-- lie to us about these wars, again and again and again
-- poison us with drugs they call vaccines, with children dying and people getting heart infarcts
-- pushing transgender mutilations
-- destroy our culture, forcefully against the will of the absolute majority
-- steal from us
-- tax us without representation on top

what to do with this special breed of "humans" that only are human by the flesh and skin they wear

what to do

Anonymous said...

Don't forget how they seem to deal with children as sex-currency, kill off people left and right, constantly lie - including in mainstream media - poisoning the conversation

They for sure withold live saving technologies from us

And they seem to be hellbent to kill off humanity (anti-carbon project), human freedom, human spirit and creativity

Anonymous said...

It is one thing to list what is wrong but another thing to suggest fixes.

Anonymous said...

12:34: I love you Russian Troll you da best!

12:52: The liberals have shot their wad. The trans craziness it the high water mark. The number of detransitioners is going up. the Left can ignore it, but soon it will swamp them and ruin them politically. The point of this, is we know what is wrong and we will fixc it with tout Putin not Russian trolls.

You guys funded the CPUSA for decades and you want to help more?

So according to WNU's gut, we are going to war.


Below is an excerpt from

"The Russians should have understood this based on what happened in Crimea and Donbas after 2014. Most of the people in these three areas considered themselves Ukrainian and that pro-Ukraine attitude grew stronger after 2014. In 2014 Russia discovered that most of the Donbas Russians were loyal to Ukraine and tried to solve that problem by sending in Russians who pretended to be Donbas residents. These outsiders provided most of the armed men who comprised the separatist militias that took control of about half of the two Donbas provinces in 2014. Russia found some Donbas natives to join up too, and often served as officials in the separatist governments. There was a lot of infighting among the various Donbas separatist militias and Russian sent in spetsnaz to remove the most troublesome militia leaders. This usually meant just killing enough of them to reduce the infighting. By then (2016) Russia had signed a ceasefire with Ukraine that halted most of the fighting. Russia constantly violated the ceasefire agreement and tore it up in 2022."

If it is right, then WNU is mistaken at best or a liar wat worst.

Anonymous said...

correction "... at worst."

Anonymous said...

Strategy You took one source and you ran with it.
Ok why did you not mention that the main thrust of that article was the kraken bn?
That site is extremely suspect. I can get the same points of view from the Washington post or N.Y. times.
I read strat page, but everything I read there I double check because they are bias.

The paragraph embedded in your post is an example.
This is an example of a revisionist history.

Anonymous said...

II have 9 14 sources I check every day, but thankyou for your concern trolling.

Strategy Page has been around for 40 or more years. I will go with their track record over WNU's or yours.

I was the one who said I compared WNU to Strategy Page. So I see more than 1 side.

Isn't there a bridge you are suppose to hid under?

Anonymous said...

You read but do not learn. Your methodology is as flawed as your analysis. What other sources are you using? Bellingcat and MSNBC? Maybe even the Weekly Standard!!

More likely you are using MAD magazine or Cracked. They are worth as much.

Strategy page has been around for 40 years? Is 40 years some kind of marker of validity? NY Times has been around for about 200 years. Does that mean they are reliable? Does that mean they are not based?

You have nothing, your presumptions are as empty as your analysis.... and as far as WNU...he does a good job when you look around the news world,. Most people on the blog trust him, and you, you are simply tolerated.