Tuesday, January 10, 2023

100 Ukrainian Troops Heading To The U.S. To Start Training On The Patriot Missile System


CNN: First on CNN: Ukrainians to start training on Patriot missiles in US as soon as next week 

CNN — Ukrainian troops are set to begin training on the Patriot missile system in the United States as soon as next week, the Pentagon announced on Tuesday. 

The training program will take place at Fort Sill in Oklahoma, where the US conducts its own training on operating and maintaining the advanced air defense system. 

Fort Sill is one of the Army’s four basic training locations and home to the service’s field artillery school, which has been training service members for more than a century. 

CNN first reported the news earlier on Tuesday, with two US officials familiar with the matter saying the decision had been made to begin training in the US.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Ukrainian troops heading to Oklahoma for Patriot missile training (Military Times)  

Update #2: Biden Deepens Involvement in War by Inviting Ukrainian Troops to U.S. for Weapons Training (Time)  

WNU Editor: This training is only feeding into the Russian narrative that the US is increasing its involvement in the Russia - Ukraine war .... U.S. Patriot training confirms participation in Ukraine conflict-Russian ambassador (Reuters).


Anonymous said...

The problem is with Russia. US Democrats would like nothing better than to get back to buying votes and enriching themselves (Republicans do this too, but not to the same extent.).

The US is just matching Russia. The last time that happened the Russians pulled out of Afghanistan and the USSR broke up.

Anonymous said...

North Koreans always been vocal against USA. If war occurs in Korean Peninsula definitely if US will help training koreans it will be the South Koreans.

Anonymous said...

KISS the US couldn't beat the Taliban in 20 years doubtful they can train anyone,,

Anonymous said...

2:34 They potty trained you and it didn't do any good So maybe you're right

Anonymous said...

Trump would have stopped the war by now

Mr. Nobody said...

2:34 Is correct.

The Viets, Panamanians, Iraqis and Afghanis. All trained by the US for many years. All broke or ran away when the US departed. So much for the

" best trained and professional forces we have ever seen".

Maybe the Ukies will be different, but I would not bet money on it.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure how training people how to use a single weapon system is equivalent to an attempt to build an actual armed force. But I understand the comparison is not meant to be serious, but an exercise in propaganda.

There is a huge difference between the Ukrainians and those other countries (I am not sure what is meant by Panamanians running, no one has invaded them) and those wars. (You can also compare them to successful military training programs in Greece, South Korea, and Taiwan. Much depends on the kind of culture, people, and institutions the US had to work with.)

The governments of those countries had legitimacy issues, and were fighting others that had some claim of legitimacy on their own. The US was often seen as a foreign power (of a different culture) meddling in domestic affairs by a sizable portion of the population. Their forces also had very bad morale problems, especially when they were not fighting alongside US forces. A major problem is that in all three of those countries, the US was not just training the armed forces, but trying to build an effective state as well.

None of those problems exist in Ukraine to a significant degree. While there were significant doubts and uncertainty about the loyalty of Ukraine's ethnic Russian population before the war, those have now been put to rest. There is overwhelming support among Ukrainians to fight the Russian invaders. Ukrainian morale is high. They have proven effective in combat as long as they receive the material support they need. The US and Europe is not seen as strange outsiders interfering in a dispute that has nothing to do with them. They are seen as natural allies, and the Ukrainians are deeply thankful for any help sent and want to strengthen ties with the EU and NATO. They are able to use new weapon systems effectively in combat - they are not being mishandled, wasted, or abandoned in some warehouse. Any corruption issues, while valid, do not seem to be so bad they are impacting the battlefield.

This may not have been the case in 1994, 2004, or even 2014 if this scenario of Russian invading all of Ukraine had played out then. But it is the scenario in 2022/2023. Thirty years of independence and growth of civil society have built up the Ukrainian people, and Zelensky - for whatever his faults - is providing effective leadership.

It should also be noted that US and Europe has already been providing training to Ukraine military before the war began. Around 80k troops were trained between Russian's invasion or Crimea and Donbas, and their 2022 invasion. Those troops seem to have done pretty well. WNU Editor likes to claim that all of them are dead now, but that would mean almost all Ukrainian KIA have been those trained troops and very little else. That's not likely. There's likely a very significant core still left, and those will be added by the tens of thousands additional troops being trained by the UK and other countries (sometimes on specific weapon systems, other times by full infantry and command training).

The Ukrainians are outfighting the Russians. Russian initial successes were achieved by strategic surprise that is now over and mostly been squandered. Their fairly minor successes in the Donbas since then has come out of huge manpower costs. Even Wagner PMC will eventually run out of those 40,000 prisoners they recruited to be cannon fodder. Whatever expertise deficiencies the Ukrainians have, overall they are doing better than the Russians. Their problem is one of material supply. Providing equipment like Patriot system and training them on will help with those problems.


Mr Nobody said...


You are correct on tech training vs soldier battle ready training. The US will do ok and most likely they will include a PMC package to help with firing the system. Why not... They will, have a PMC maintenance package for sure.

But the rest of your premise is definitely flawed.
Historical examples show that US trained forces have done extremely poor. And only part can be blamed on the government/ culture where they came from.
You don't remember Panama? Ok sonny, it was 1989 and called Operation Just Cause. A army/ police force we trained for over 30 years collapsed in 3 days.
The rest of the examples given were just as well trained and equipped. As a matter of fact, they were better trained and armed than the Panamanians ever were. And the one thing in common is that they all failed miserably.

Your ukies rah rah about Russian prisoners and ukie superior fighting capability is crap. The ukies advances this fall were due to US superoor Intel assets and US battle planning for the ukies.

The ukies and Russians are just about equal as they are both Slavs and in reality twin brothers.
The Advantage the Russians have is economic and population.

That's about it. US training.......I would not trust it to save the day. Your premise that the ukies moral will win the day is nice ideologicaly but nonsensical in reality.