Sunday, January 15, 2023

68 Percent of Active Duty Military Believe The Pentagon Hs Become Politicized

Breitbart: Exclusive — Abortion, Equity, and Transgender: 68 Percent of Active Duty Military Believe Pentagon Is Politicized 

The vast majority of U.S. active duty military members believe the Pentagon has become politicized, according to data obtained exclusively by Breitbart News. 

Sixty-eight percent of active duty members say they have “witnessed a growing politicization,” while 53 percent say the military has become “too politicized.” Sixty-eight percent also say such politicization would impact their decision to encourage their children to join the military. 

The data, gathered by the National Independent Panel on Military Service and Readiness (NIPMSR), show specific policy areas of concern for active duty military at a time when President Joe Biden’s Pentagon has been criticized by many for conducting social experiments in the ranks of the military, as opposed to focusing on national defense. The NIPMSR was empaneled by Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts.  

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WNU Editor: A lot of Americans have also lost confidence in the FBI .... Poll: Vast Majority Say Congress Should Investigate FBI Involvement in Social Media Censorship (Breitbart).


Anonymous said...

Yeah no shit, when Christians are being targeted and gay and transgender stuff is being pushed, YOU KNOW it's political. The left will politicize anything, for them - as they admit - it's always about power. Not about true honesty or wellbeing of others. They are ok with children being mutilated. Tells you everything you need to know.

Anonymous said...

we are fucked

Anonymous said...

Secretary of Defense Mr. Magoo back tracked on mandatory COVID vaccinations for soldiers.

Can have military procurement without if you do not have any soldiers for your army. We all know how important sitting on the board of a defense contractor is for some retired generals.

Anonymous said...

The survey was done by a sub group of the Heritage Foundation. How accurate is the survey? . Unknown. But knowing how dissent is frowned upon or even punished in the military, I would say the numbers are low.

It is probably more like 80% against, 10% for and 10% do not care.

I would not recommend anyone join today's military. What would you be fighting for? God, Mom, Country and apple pie? That America is gone. And you know what replaced it... Bullshit Progressive liberalism, Godless, LBGTQ, Globalist narratives, hateful of America's history of self sacrifices and endeavors .

If you are white, from the south, and live in a rural area, well they really hate you...You are a deplorable, so why fight for these ungrateful snots.

Anonymous said...

Amen 3:55 PM. I tell anyone who asks not to join todays military.

I have a brother who can stay until 30 and get full pension, he is leaving early and retires later this year. My other grandson is leaving as soon as his tour is up. Both say the atmoshpere is awful. Anti-white, ant-christian, antil marriage and stratight people, and focused on all kinds of things except war fighting. If your gay and transgender you have it made!

Their battalion C.O.'s just say "yes sir/mam or he/she/they/them" to the generals so they can move up to O-6.