Wednesday, January 11, 2023

All Flights ‘Grounded Across US’ This Morning After FAA System Failure


Daily Mail: FAA fails to explain catastrophic 'computer failure' that delayed at least 7,000 flights and halted America's air traffic for the first time since 9/11 - as it lifts ground order on planes after two-and-a-half hours of chaos 

* The FAA's NOTAM system - which pilots use to see flight plans - failed overnight 

* The White House says there is 'no evidence' of a cyber attack  

* The issue was fixed by 9am but more than 7,000 flights were delayed as a result  

All flights across America were grounded today for the first time since 9/11 after an as-yet unexplained, FAA computer system failure.  

The first complaints by passengers that their flights had been grounded started at around 4am EST, but it wasn't until 6.30am that the FAA announced it had grounded all flights as a result of an overnight crash of its NOTAM system - which pilots use to receive hazard warnings and safety updates. 

By 9am, the issue had been resolved and flights were beginning to take off again.   

Read more ....  

Update #1: Flight disruptions cascade across US after computer outage (AP)

Update #2: U.S. airports rumble back to life after FAA computer outage, article with gallery (Reuters)  

WNU Editor: The FBI sees no evidence of a cyber attack.


Anonymous said...

If there was, they would lie about, if they could.

The used the phrase does not appear. The word appear is very sound to use by the prudent, it is also a very nice tool for prevaricators.

The line would be that at the time it appeared not, but since then we have found evidence. How would we know they do not have evidence now? If we find out 6 months or a year from now that they lied, when they used the word "appears", the MSM will treat it as water under the bridge.

If Russia hacked it as a warning to Washington that they could do more and to lay off Ukraine, that would make sense from Russia's view point and it would not surprise me.

IDK. I do know that DC will lie and lie and lie.

If it is Russia and they keep doing it, can the stuxnetting of Russia's pipeline infrastructure be far behind?

Anonymous said...

The FBI lies, plants evidence and is partisan so nothing it says can be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Well then, if the FBI says it, it must be so

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is just a test of no fly zone,

Anonymous said...

Peter Buttegig is John on the spot. He had time to rename NATOMS but not to look into upgrading the FAA computer systems.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I wouldn't trust the FBI saying it was not hacked. As a former LEO and military officer I had great respect for the FBI at one time. That no longer holds. That response makes me believe it was hacked.

From agent level up to the top they've become increasingly politicized and unprincipaled since 9/11 and big time since Obama started corrupting the leadership. They became increasingly untrustworthy and went after Trump an big time and still are. He's gone, get over it.

I would be extremely careful today what I would say to ANY FBI employee from GS-1 level through techs to agents and management. That trust is long, long gone.

Anonymous said...

My cursory glance hasn’t shown who the vendor is that made the NOTAM, but I’ll bet their stock takes a hit.