Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Are U.S. President Biden’s Handlers “Trying To Get Rid Of Him” Before 2024?

Summit News: Joe Rogan on Biden: “They’re Trying to Get Rid of Him”  

Top Dems sabotaging president to prevent 2024 run. 

During a discussion on his podcast, Joe Rogan suggested the latest scandals surrounding Joe Biden suggested that top Democrats are “trying to get rid of him.” 

The president has been embroiled in more controversy after it was revealed that at least 20 classified documents relating to his time as vice-president were found at Biden’s home. 

Biden is now being investigated by a special counsel appointed by the US Department of Justice, having previously called Donald Trump “irresponsible” after his home was raided by the FBI for similar reasons. 

According to Joe Rogan, the scandal is part of a Democrat subversion campaign to ensure Biden doesn’t try to run for office again in 2024. 

“I don’t know jack shit about politics, but if I had to guess — they’re trying to get rid of him. My guess would be they’re trying to get rid of him,” said the podcast host.  

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WNU Editor: I am surprised that President Biden is still there.


Anonymous said...

Joe figures he can run form hs basement again and win.

The Democrat Establishment knows it will not work, They are powerful, but not that powerful yet.

Anonymous said...

Editor: why are you surprised he is still there?
a. corruption and indictment
b. health
c. Trump won the election
tell us

RussInSoCal said...

My money is on the successful stonewall of this document theft. The DOJ will protect Biden and avoid any further humiliation through this term. With assurances that he won't run in 2024.



Anonymous said...

Only you would be surprised WNU! LOL

Dave Goldstein said...

I'm not surprised. His handlers are doing everything to keep him going just like putin. But he is going downhill and I still he won't make it until the next election. Putin is probably not going to make it much longer either.

Anonymous said...

DOJ Refused to Send FBI Agents on Biden’s Doc Search

Joe Biden still getting the kid glove treatment.

Anonymous said...

"Handlers"? Let's cut the shit and name names: Obama & Co

Anonymous said...

I am not WNU Editor, but questions about his age-related health problems including dementia, and about his electability, loom on the horizon.

Anonymous said...

Many supposed that he might serve but one year, or two years, before handing it off to the first whatever President, because of his age and health.
But, as you say, Joe is a political animal.

Anonymous said...

He's riding the coat-tails of the first clean one of them he'd ever seen in presidential politics, and praying to god and jesus he doesn't fall off

Anonymous said...

Gotta admit this would never have happened to Ford. But Ford was clean.

Anonymous said...

alas, haters: Biden numbers top Trump's and increasingly so. No need for FBI to raid his home: his lawyers gave materials to govt; Trump did not

Fact Check Under Donald Trump, Did U.S. Accrue 25% of National Debt yep. fact check is correct and Trump the guy with the huge debt...prove otherwise

Anonymous said...

Fred Lapides (6:28) checked in.

Some of that debt was due to two COVID bills.

Joe Biden will have accrued 50% of the debt.

Joe Biden is a harder worker than Trump.

Yes sirrreeeeeeee!

Anonymous said...

Tax thing Trump gave? count that in. Virus: yes. But the record is the record and causes part of that record. You do not discount the record or excuse it. Fact: Trump flubbed the virus thing fully.
In new memoir, Mike Pompeo says Trump told him to ‘shut the hell up’ about China

Anonymous said...

NEW YORK — Donald Trump mistook his sexual assault accuser E. Jean Carroll for his ex-wife Marla Maples when shown a photograph from the 1990s in a deposition at Mar-a-Lago last year, potentially undermining one of the common defenses he has used to deny an attack.

Trump, who is being sued by Carroll, an author and advice columnist, for defamation and sexual assault stemming from the same alleged encounter, has repeatedly said Carroll is not his “type,” suggesting an assault could not have occurred because he would not have pursued her romantically.

“That’s Marla, yeah. That’s my wife,” Trump said under examination from Carroll’s lawyer Roberta Kaplan, in a new selection of excerpts from the deposition that was unsealed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Manhattan.

Anonymous said...

After reading Daniel Greenfield's piece, i have reasonable doubt that a rape took place.

COOPER: Let’s take a short break —

CARROLL: They think of the fantasies.

COOPER: We’re going to take a quick break. If you can stick around we’ll talk more on the other side.

CARROLL: You’re fascinating to talk to.

The scene of the supposed assault takes place in a Bergdorf’s department store where, in Carroll’s own words, “no one is present” even though she concedes that makes no sense and the dressing rooms would have been locked if there hadn’t been an attendant. It wouldn’t matter if there were tapes of it, she writes, because “the struggle might simply have read as ‘sexy.’”

If there was an attendant, then the attendant would have overheard or noticed something.

If there was no attendant, then Carroll did not get into the dressing room.

Mr. Greenfield is right. They want to focus on Trump, because when Carroll is in the spotlight, every one can see she is nuts.

PS: Fred, I agree. When you make a post all bold font, it makes it more true.

more * nothing = nothing

Anonymous said...

Now for the rest of the story

“Stop, for God’s sake!” Trump allegedly said.

Pompeo recounted that he “honored” Trump’s request and that “we needed health equipment and were at the CCP’s [Chinese Communist Party’s] mercy for it … and would bide my time.”

Mike Pompeo: Trump told me ‘shut the hell up’ about China COVID secrecy

So why is 8:39 so stupid and mendacious?