Monday, January 16, 2023

As World Economic Forum Opens In Davos

Davos ahead of the World Economic Forum 2023 © Thomson Reuters 

Reuters: Davos 2023: Recession casts long shadow over opening of WEF summit 

DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) -The prospect of imminent global recession cast a long shadow over Davos on Monday as participants gathering for the opening of the World Economic Forum's annual meeting counted the likely cost for their economies and businesses. 

Two-thirds of private and public sector chief economists surveyed by the WEF expect a global recession this year, with some 18% considering it "extremely likely" - more than twice as many as in the previous survey conducted in September 2022. 

"The current high inflation, low growth, high debt and high fragmentation environment reduces incentives for the investments needed to get back to growth and raise living standards for the world's most vulnerable," WEF Managing Director Saadia Zahidi said in a statement accompanying the survey results.  

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As World Economic Forum Opens In Davos  

2023 World Economic Forum opens in Davos: Live Updates -- Euronews  

Davos World Economic Forum Live: WEF Summit Kicks Off With Crystal Award Ceremony -- ABPLive

Economists warn of global recession danger ahead of World Economic Forum at Davos – as it happened -- The Guardian  

Davos 2023: Economic woes, war, climate change on tap -- FOX News/AP  

Leaders gather as annual World Economic Forum begins in Switzerland -- UPI  

Davos Starts Today With a Focus on Climate Change -- Barrons  

Davos 2023 Day 1: What to expect -- World Economic Forum  

Davos 2023: The World Economic Forum explained -- Reuters


Anonymous said...

Funny how people only remember the recession, but not that it was key-Davos/WEF members (incl. Bill Gates) who was FOR the shutdown, only then claiming in a staged interview afterwards that "no one could predict this would destroy small businesses". yeah right. I worked in the financial insurance sector, they model this shit through. Of course it was known. He lied. Then and there.

It was a planned shutdown of our economy, using Covid as the crisis.

THEY caused the shutdown, not the virus. The virus was the excuse. The lockdowns and the so called vaccines killed more people.

Anonymous said...

provide data

Anonymous said...

3:42 STFU