Friday, January 20, 2023

AWOL US Navy SEAL Killed Fighting In Ukraine

Daniel Swift during his time as a Navy Seal 

Washington Post: Former Navy SEAL killed fighting in Ukraine 

A former Navy SEAL was killed in Ukraine this week, the Navy said Friday, the latest American combat fatality in a war that has drawn legions of international fighters. 

Daniel Swift died Wednesday, the Navy said in a brief statement accompanying the release of his official military records.

He enlisted in 2005, earning awards that suggested combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, though officials declined to describe those operations. 

Navy SEALs and other elite Special Operations troops conduct some of the U.S. military’s most secretive and sensitive missions, and the government seldom discloses what those tasks entail.  

Read more ....  

Update: Exclusive: AWOL Navy SEAL Killed Fighting In Ukraine (Time)  

Update #2: Daniel Swift during his time as a Navy Seal (Rolling Stone)  

WNU Editor: He is the 6th American who has been killed in this war .... Ex-SEAL Dies in Ukraine; 6th Known American Killed in War (NBC/AP).


Anonymous said...

"A month later, a warrant was issued in San Diego for Swift’s arrest on a false imprisonment charge relating to a divorce, according to Rolling Stone."

That puts different spin on things than what 5:18 had. The wife could have made it up. Mr. Swift could have detained his soon to be ex-wife for 5 minutes preventing her from leaving their shared home. We do not know.

I do know that 5:18 is less than 1/10th the Man Swift was.

Before you pass judgment on Swift look at his shore versus sea time. There is a reason promotions are easier in the Navy and harder in the Air Force. They use AI to predict everything. H naught would be the premise that the divorce rate in the Navy and especially with Seals is the same as the general population or more specifically with the same income levels. H naught would be rejected.

I am glad there are not problems in Russia and there is no alcoholism epidemic. because Russia is so perfect.

Except for they need better trolls than people like 5:18.

Anonymous said...

false imprisonment and kidnapping?

American DA's often do that they can charge 6 ways to Sunday for the same act.

Anonymous said...

and every whichway but loose!

Anonymous said...

I just gotta
figure there's been more than 6 u.s. guys (or gals!) killed.
but really probably just guys.

Mr Nobody said...

Something does not add up.
Read below and ask yourself...How does a guy who is AWOL / deserter later become a State Trooper or Police officer?

Answer: He Does not.

Cops: City, county or state do National background checks on all candidates. This guy would have turned up and been denied a job. Something is BS here.

From Rolling stone...after his naval service... the Legion of Merit and multiple personal and campaign awards. Later, he served as a police officer for Washington State Patrol and the Medford Police Department in Oregon.

Yet, by April 2019, a felony bench warrant had gone out for Swift for the primary charge of false imprisonment related to his divorce. The judge in North County Superior set his bail at $250 thousand.

You tell me. The reporting in his case is sketchy

Anonymous said...

Maybe Homey never left the Navy and the other part of his history is all fake. He could of been an OGA asset, now he is dead they need a b.s. story to hide what he was doing and who he was really working for. With these guys, you never really know

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was an Oregon Golf Association asset.

I do not blame the Navy if they did. Politicians keep up with the panem et circenses to buy votes. It leaves little oxygen for serious defense or foreign affairs. It is a way of threading the needle and the needle must be threaded.

Is it overt or by Marquess of Queensberry Rules? No.

On the other hand have the Russians been forthright? No. Ask Viktor Yushchenko about Russian probity.

An ancient Athenian leader tricked his city state into building a fleet to be prepared. Sometimes lying is called for. Russia started 1st since at least 2004.

Anonymous said...

The Rolling stone picture of the individuals in the room says it all.

The fake story about taping the plates top his back was good.

Look at these soldiers.

all clean shaven
look well fed
no dirt on equipment or selves
Using "operator" style helmets
Nice combat optics on rifles

No AK's. Using SCARS with silencers

They have NVGs. how many pics have you seen with Ukrainian solders using NVGS? practically none.

Not your usual Ukrainian soldier in the field.

I think Mr. 10:05 hit the mark. CIA or PMC contracted by CIA. same thing

Anonymous said...

uh...his wife told the court that on one or more occasions he didn't allow her to leave the house/room/car etc.


MR Nobody said...

Thank you all for the follow up info.


Have to agree with you.

There is only one unit that I know that used the SCAR. That was the 75th Ranger Regiment.

a normal grunt would have an AK or M4

The equipment and uniform consistency..... These guys are spook assets.

10 years ago the going Daily rate for a gunslinger was about 1000 to 2000 per day...Yes, that's right "per day"

They are probably at about 3000 or more now. I have little empathy for these guys. They are Hired guns. They did not have to do this.

The guys I feel sorry for are the everyday Ukrainians and Russian stuck in that hell.

BTW.. They say he died in Bakhmut.

Maybe , but maybe not. He could of been part of the Interior Ministers PSD team that died in that Helo crash this week.

Like you all said. You never know about these guys.

You Canadians used to call them. "the black box guys".

Because everything they do is in a black box that does not come out.

Anonymous said...

Just like everyone, they too are kept in the dark and fed horseshit.