Monday, January 9, 2023

Chechen Leader Ramzan Kadyrov Calls Foreign Aid To Ukraine A 'Money Laundering Scheme'

Head of Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov © Elena Afonina/TASS 

Euronews: Ukraine war: Kyiv aid 'money laundering scheme', Christmas truce fails, Ukrainians honour war dead 

Western aid to Ukraine is a "scheme for laundering money", the leader of Russia's Chechen Republic said on Sunday.  

"I see that some are worried about the foreign aid to Ukraine. Do not worry! This is a working money laundering scheme. 

Western and Ukrainian officials will embezzle these funds, and no more than 15% of the entire aid will reach the trenches," Ramzan Kadyrov wrote on Telegram.  There is no evidence for this claim from the staunch Putin ally.   

Read more ....  

Update #1: Ramzan Kadyrov insists only 15 per cent of military aid reaches Ukraine while rest is plundered (Euroweekly)  

Update #2: Foreign aid to Ukraine a money laundering scheme, head of Chechnya says (TASS)  

WNU Editor: I have lost count on how much military/economic/financial/and humanitarian aid has been given to Ukraine in the past 11 months. What I do know is that before the war Ukraine had the biggest military in Europe by numbers after Turkey and Russia. Ukraine also had a huge foreign debt. 

But since February 24 not only has Ukraine's weaponry and ammo stockpiles positioned before the war gone, but much that has been given in the past 10 months are now in short supply and/or no longer on the battlefield. 

And as for the financial assistance the West has been giving to Ukraine in the past year, no one has properly given an accounting on who is getting what. There is certainly no political will in the West to find out where all the money has gone. 

So is Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov correct? 

 I do not think so. The ammo, equipment, and weapons are in short supply because they have been used and/or destroyed. And as for the West's financial assistance. I am sure there is skimming from the top, but I do know that for many Ukrainians they are having their bills and pensions/salaries paid. 

My guess is that it is only when the war is over that a true account of where did the money go will be done. At least I hope there will be an accounting.


Anonymous said...

money always "gets lost" in peace and in war. For now, the real issue is How Much land gets lost to the invader.

Anonymous said...

No smoke without a fire the man said he could be onto something

Anonymous said...

We need accountability and transparency

In a democracy twice as much.

But we get none.

All these wars. Few want them for real. The absolute majority is being programmed to jump onto the war wagon. Not fully understanding how often they are being played. How much it costs. How wrong it is. Over and over and over again.

Until we break this demonic alliance between the main stream media and politicians, this will not end. Because politicians are paid for and positioned by big corporations.

We were warned long ago of the military industrial complex. But it is not just this anymore. We are facing full-spectrum-domination with the onset of Metaverse (by the same Darpa people who originally wanted to push the life log project on us, then financed Facebook to do it through an unaware public instead)

The DARPA life log project was ended the day facebook was founded by the way.. :P

And life log is of course part of the total information awareness arm.

But whatever.

Keep accepting these politicians and their proposals and the media lies, and you will remain slaves. And it WILL get worse. Don't even think about what you allowed by letting the government set a precedence to rule over your bodily autonomy.

You all played along. Believed the "2 weeks to flatten the curve" BS. Destroying your economy yourselves.

This is what true programming looks like.


Anonymous said...

Seems like this is almost always the case when the US provides military aid. Not isolated to Ukraine.