Sunday, January 15, 2023

China's Covid-19 Death Toll Is Much Higher Than 60,000

Medical workers attend to patients of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) at an intensive care unit (ICU) converted from a conference room, at a hospital in Cangzhou, Hebei province, China January 11, 2023. China Daily via REUTERS  

Hot Air: China admits nearly 60k COVID deaths in the past month but some experts say it's much higher 

Just over one month ago, China finally dropped its zero-COVID measures. Since then there have been multiple reports that Chinese hospitals, funeral parlors and crematoriums have been overwhelmed. Thursday NBC News reported that you could see the crowds at Chinese crematoriums from space:  

Satellite images taken over multiple cities in China show heightened activity outside crematoriums and funeral homes, appearing to contradict the country’s low official Covid-19 death figures and illustrating the severity of the outbreak in the world’s most populous country. 

The images, taken by the Colorado-based space technology company Maxar in late December and early January and shared with NBC News, show a parking lot has been built since early December at a funeral home in Tongzhou, on the outskirts of Beijing, the capital. 

Other images from cities around the country show a greater number of cars parked outside funeral homes compared with similar periods in past years. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The prediction is that there will be 1.7 million deaths across China by the end of April 2023.


Anonymous said...

So rent will get cheaper or not go up this year?

Anonymous said...

Hot Air.

Anonymous said...

A more believable story would be titled “Reports Show the Chinese Government Has Killed At Least 60K, Actual Figures Believed to be Much Higher.”

Anonymous said...

This is what it was like during the first period of the pandemic. China covering up its stats. Now China doesn't release anything like this unless there's an agenda at play. What we are essentially seeing is the first year stats coming out of China.