Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Classified Documents Found In Biden's Post-VP Office


Daily Mail: 'When is the FBI going to the raid the White House?': Trump leads Republican rage as he demands action after ten classified documents were found at Biden's think tank from his time as VP - when he did not have power to declassify documents 

* Files found at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement  

* The documents were located in November, six days before the midterms  

* The Washington D.C. think tank office is a mile away from the White House  

* Folders containing the classified documents were said to be in a locked closet  

* Merrick Garland has asked U.S. attorney in Chicago to review the 10 documents 

* Donald Trump asked: 'When is the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the White House?'  

Donald Trump on Monday led the chorus of condemnation after it emerged that Joe Biden's think tank had been found to contain classified documents. The ten files were found in early November, by Biden's lawyers, and handed over. 

The Justice Department has now opened an investigation, which The New York Times said could lead to a special counsel being appointed - as has happened in the case of Donald Trump and the hundreds of documents he kept at Mar-a-Lago.  

Biden on Monday was in Mexico City for a meeting with President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, and refused to answer shouted questions as to how the documents ended up inside the offices.   

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Accusations of a double-standard are now starting to be made .... House Oversight chairman says discovery of Biden classified docs displays 'two-tier' justice system (FOX News). 

Classified Documents Found In Biden's Post-VP Office  

Justice Dept. reviewing classified documents found in Biden’s post-VP office -- Washington Post  

U.S. attorney reviewing documents marked classified from Joe Biden's vice presidency found at Biden think tank -- CBS News  

DOJ reviewing potentially classified docs at Biden center -- AP  

Classified documents from Biden’s time as VP discovered in private office -- CNN  

Classified documents found from Biden’s time as VP, White House cooperating with DOJ -- The Hill  

Classified docs from Biden's VP days found in private office -- Axios  

White House cooperating after Obama-era docs discovered, attorney says -- Politico 

Federal prosecutor reviewing classified documents found at former Biden office -- CNBC 

Classified Documents Found At President Biden's Think Tank -- Zero Hedge


RussInSoCal said...

We're about to be told that VP Biden stealing classified docs and stashing them at the University of Pennsylvania is not a crime at all.

/He was a professor there after all.

Wade Andressen said...

So there is a God

Anonymous said...

We are not told what subject area the docs are in.

DC Swamp sources and the complicit, supine media were quick to lie and say Trump had nuclear documents before backing off a few months later. But the drip, drip damage of false accusations had been done by then just in time for the midterms.

Anonymous said...

1. Biden's lawyer found and reported
2. Trump's lawyer said all reclaimed and they were not
3. Trump claimed he had a right to materials
4. Trump claimed he declassified all of them in his mind!
5. Trump claimed he had returned all. He lied.

Anonymous said...

Moment Biden confuses a uniformed member of the Salvation Army for the Secret Service during his visit to El Paso migrant center telling him: 'I spent some time with the Secret Service in Poland and Ukraine'

Of course Biden had no ill intent. He can hardly form any intent on most days.

Anonymous said...

I see Fred found another copy and paste list, which must account for the correct spelling and the semi-logical content.

Ron said...

A Biden think tank?????? Biden and think should be the new example for oxymoron in the webster dictionary.


Anonymous said...

One thing Chicago US Attorney John Lausch has been investigating is how the documents ended up at Penn Biden.

Lau[s]ch’s review will examine, in part, how the documents got from Mr. Biden’s vice-presidential office to the Penn Biden Center.

In other words, it might not even be a Biden thing. It could be one of his staffers — and it could be a more serious issue if someone was found to have intentionally taken documents with them when they left the White House, or was using them in the interim. It could be Richetti who did it, for example (which would be one reason among many not to reveal the investigation publicly before discovering how the documents got where they were).

There will be insane reporting ahead — there already has been.

And virtually none of it will report that Trump is still suspected of hoarding classified documents.

Hans Persson said...

What was it now? 3 million people that have top secret clearance? Hmm.. how on earth can smal silly papers be misplaced with those kinda odds?

Anonymous said...

careful with the numbers. I had top secret clearance at two different times. I no longer do. Does that make two clearances added to the total or do they subtract from those that have it at this moment?

Bradley P. Moss, a national security lawyer, told Insider that this looked like a routine matter with no allegation of criminal wrongdoing. He contrasted what we know about the case with that being built against Trump, who held boxes of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort even after their return had been demanded by the National Archives.

"Biden's team did exactly what you're supposed to do," Moss said. "When you find improperly stored classified documents, you immediately notify the government — and you turn it over immediately."

Classified documents are routinely misplaced, and this looks to be a routine investigation, perhaps motivated in part by a desire from the Justice Department to show it's impartial, Moss said. The nature of the investigation would change if the US attorney in charge of reviewing the documents, John Lausch, a Trump appointee, uncovered any evidence that Biden or his staff misled the National Archives.

"The reason Donald Trump is in criminal jeopardy right now isn't just because of the documents being improperly stored. It was the obstruction," Moss said. "That is why it has gotten to the point it has, where we're looking at the real possibility of a criminal indictment."

Anonymous said...

Trump is in criminal jeopardy, because he wants to run again.

The Trump team was in negotiations and given some documents to the archives during those negotiations. That does not sound like cowboys to me. After it was leaked that these were nuclear documents and then 3 months later after the election they said "My bad, they are not nuclear documents" I know the government as controlled by the Democrats is wrong.

I bet every president has inadvertently or purposefully taken such documents. I bet Obama has many now and no elected Democrat cares. so much for being fair and balanced. the issue was already raised about Obama in the last 6 months and nothing was done, because they gave the power. The word appearance is the key word.

One more thing. If they were not nuclear and the press and the Swamp lied, then I think it is owed to the American people to know the the subject of those docs. Or would that be too embarrassing to the Depp State and prosecution by the Star chamber have to cease?

Mr Nobody said...

The Pres of the US has the authority to declassify TS documents.

Out comes

Did Trump declassify the documents he was in possession of? If yes, he broke no law. If not he is screwed,

Joe and Hillary had minimal power to declassify docs in their respective roles. But in their positions, unlike POTUS, their requests have to be staffed and approved.

If you ever had a TS clearance you know the deal here. Fail to secure TS , material and your clearance is pulled and you career is over. Egregious enough and you go to jail.

What Hillary did was willfull, criminal, gross negligence. Because she INTENTIONALLY did not follow classified protocal. She should be in FT Leavenworth.
Joe.. . Well we will see about him. But from what I have seen of this guy is that he is: stupid, arrogant and feels entitled.
So it would not surprise me if he illegally removed classified material for his own use.

RussInSoCal said...

Simply by removing the docs - which is impossible to do without check marks in a ledger - POTUS has officially declassified the docs.

Sep 18 2022
President Biden spoke about the classified documents the FBI found in former President Trump’s home. When Mr. Biden saw the FBI image of the documents he says he thought to himself, “How anyone could be that irresponsible?”

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah
when and if you talk about Biden you must then address Trump's theft of documents--caeses and cases of them.
Now want to compare the two stories?
who declassified all documents that were secret "in his head"?
who had not returned the documents because "they are mine."

Who lied and said he returned them all and did not?
Who might sere time for stealing govt documents?

RussInSoCal said...

5:40 PM

Nope. DOJ really hoped there was a crime in Mar a Lago. But there wasn't. The fact that the Biden theft will be ignored kills any remaining case against Trump.

And a case can be made that the basement of a mansion on an island guarded by the USSS is a lot more secure than a ChiCom infested university where anyone could access them.

/so there's THAT comparison.



Mr Nobody said...


You are convoluted and confused. All Presidents have a tradition of taking documents from the White House when they leave. There is no problem with this. It is a consideration they get as being president.

The problem is with classified documents. When they we classified and by who. If declassified , then when and by who.

These are every important points and not Blah blah blah. It is stuff like this that normal people go to jail for or receive Bad conduct discharges from the military.

If you had a clearance in the past you would know this and you would not take it so lightly. Handling this crap is like having the sword of Damocles above your head 24/7.

The larger point in the whole conversation is one of Justice.

Will those in power who break classified regulations be subject to the same punishments as the common man? If not, then you help destroy the legitimacy of the Law and further spread the idea that

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.