Friday, January 13, 2023

Did Aliens Land on Earth in 1945?

New York Times: Did Aliens Land on Earth in 1945? A Defense Bill Seeks Answers

For the casual student of U.F.O. history, the modern idea of life beyond our planet usually dates to 1947, when a top-secret U.S. military balloon crashed in the desert near Roswell, N.M. The wreckage prompted decades of conspiracy theories and gave rise to the idea that Roswell was the site of an alien crash landing. 

Now, thanks to a new congressional spending bill, U.F.O. enthusiasts may look to 1945 as the beginning of that era. 

An amendment tucked into this year’s $858 billion National Defense Authorization Act, which funds the Defense Department’s annual operating budget, requires the department to review historical documents related to unidentified aerial phenomena — government lingo for U.F.O.s — dating to 1945. That is the year that, according to one account, a large, avocado-shaped object struck a communication tower in a patch of New Mexico desert now known as the Trinity Site, where the world’s first atomic bomb was detonated that July. 

Experts said the bill, which President Biden signed into law in December, could be a game changer for studying unidentified phenomena.  

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WNU Editor: I know governments are very good at keeping secrets. But keeping the landing on earth by aliens a secret for over 75 years is hard to believe.


RussInSoCal said...

"The Message from Vega" -



Dave Goldstein said...

why are all these ufo encounters in the 40's in NM?

Anonymous said...

Stop pushing NYT distractaganda

Jac said...

May be they land. So, since then they didn't do a lot. We have the right to complain because, at least it's our planet....we have to sue them!

Anonymous said...

Watch Moment of Contact. It happened in the late 90s in Brazil.

Anonymous said...

What always amazes me is these aliens are crappy pilots.

They can take off and fly for light years from Vega, Alpha Centauri or the Andromeda Galaxy and they just can't seem to close the deal by landing the ship and and it always crashes upon landing.

Fly halfway across the universe and they can't land the damn thing????

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was there first time flying other than practicing on the Earth simulator. *He found out it was nothing like the simulations.* I wonder what their pro-nouns where.

RussInSoCal said...

First Encounter Air Fight Battle Scene



Anonymous said...

They landed and were housed in Trump Towers at $1000.00 per night per alien.

Anonymous said...

Both, US and Russian government officials, have admitted to use fake UFOs for psychological warfare

The idea was to let other countries believe you might have alien tech (claiming a UFO crashed in your country, giving you "access to superior technology" and rendering the cost of attacking you too high)

Malformed children and adults were used after the deceased, as alien bodies.

Anonymous said...

Such news were then "leaked" in all sorts of ways, by denying it happened and by letting civilians into Area51 and work on some projects, only to then discover the placed "alien" bodies.
These people (like Bob Lazar) then went on for decades to talk about this story, making money of their own stake in the game, without knowing they spent decades helping the gov