Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Editor's Note

I have dental and doctor appointments today. Nothing serious. Just routine. Blogging will return later today.


Anonymous said...

Study: Russian Trolls Had No Influence on 2016 Election

Democrats morphed it into a crisis and proceeded to take over social media. See Facebook and twitter.

Government Censorship

Now There's PROOF: The White House Was Behind Facebook's COVID-19 Censorship

Anonymous said...

Sounds kinda fishy to me.

Anonymous said...

The Classified documents which Biden had pertained to Iran and Ukraine.

Did Biden have him only, because the point person or was he acting like Sandy Berger?

Anonymous said...

Five College Basketball Players in Chicago Reportedly Hospitalized After ‘Rigorous Workout’

1) They were out of shape.
2) The workout was extreme or more rigorous than normal given their current fitness level.
3) Black hardest hit.

Liberals like to use the phrase Blacks hardest hit. It is a way for them to win the argument or so they believe. There is a joke:

"World to end tomorrow. Blacks hardest hit"

In this case it might just be true. Being adapted to a tropical or subtropical or otherwise hot environment Africans take heat better usually and retain more salt, Losing salt can be life threatening It also set them up for hypertension. Tradeoff. 6 of one; half a dozen of another.

COVID and maybe the vaccines tend to hurt people, who have hypertension.

I would like to know if Moderna and Pfizer had a representative sample of people of African ancestry in the vaccine trials.

The excess mortality and incidents like this have me spooked. I have a spouse from a subtropical area and they tend take heat better and retain salt more. Worrying about these vaccines and the adverse effects is not esoteric exercise.

RussInSoCal said...

Hope all went well with the Dentist and Doc. A trip to the Dentist is never one of those trips one just can't wait for.

Anonymous said...

It's winter heat stroke is pretty much off the table. There is basically no amount of exercise that should be able to send 5 college level athletes the the hospital. USMC boot camp is basically the worst case every day, and somehow thousands do that every year.