Thursday, January 12, 2023

Ethiopia's Tigray Rebel Forces Say They Have Handed Over Their Heavy Weapons


The Guardian: Tigray rebels start handing over weapons to Ethiopian army  

Surrendering weapons is a central part of the November ceasefire agreement which seeks to end a conflict that has killed thousands 

Tigrayan rebels have begun handing in heavy weapons, a key part of an agreement signed more than two months ago to end a deadly conflict in northern Ethiopia, a spokesperson for the rebel authorities said. 

The demobilisation of Tigray forces is seen as central to the 2 November ceasefire agreement, alongside the restoration of services, resumption of humanitarian aid and withdrawal of Eritrean troops, who fought alongside Ethiopia’s army but were not party to the truce.  

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Ethiopia's Tigray Rebel Forces Say They Have Handed Over Their Heavy Weapons  

Ethiopia's Tigray forces say they hand over heavy weapons -- AP  

Tigray rebels start handing over heavy weapons -- AFP  

Tigray Forces Start Handing Over Heavy Weapons as Part of Peace Deal -- VOA  

Tigray forces start handing over heavy weapons in Ethiopia -- DW  

Ethiopia’s Tigrayan rebels start handing over heavy weapons -- Al Jazeera  

Rebels Hand Over Heavy Weapons in Boost for Ethiopian Peace Deal -- Bloomberg

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