Thursday, January 19, 2023

EU To Set Up A Stockpile In Finland To Respond To Chemical And Nuclear Emergencies

FILE PHOTO. Lee Jin-man, AP  

Euronews: EU sets up first stockpile to respond to chemical and nuclear emergencies in Finland 

The European Union is ramping up its preparedness for possible chemical and nuclear emergencies as Russia's invasion of Ukraine nears the one-year mark with a stockpile of items to be set up in Finland, it was announced on Tuesday. 

A total of €242 million has been allocated to Finland by the European Commission to create the bloc's first strategic reserve against chemical, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats for use by all member states. 

 "Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine has confirmed the need to strengthen EU CBRN preparedness," Janez Lenarcic, European Commissioner for Crisis Management, said.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: EU sets up reserve in Finland to respond to nuclear and chemical threats (Reuters)  

Update #2: EU sets up ‘nuclear’ stockpile on Russian border (RT)  

WNU Editor: The EU is serious. they are spending €242 million to set this up. Is this a harbinger on what is to come?


Mr Nobody said...

You have to ask...why Finland? Maybe some type of political move?

Or is it a matter of a safe area that will not get hit right away? This type of equipment, put in storage, is usually not used until "after the fact."

Background: Units that are in the field have their own resources to operate on for short periods of time. But I am talking NATO units, I feel sorry for the Ukrainian units in the field. They probably do not have any of this stuff. Sarin , Phosgene and the rest are horrible ways to die.

The editor is right. That is a heck of a lot of money for CBRN equipment. But in a CBRN environment, what you have, is never enough.

Protection and DECON operations are very material and manpower intensive.

someone said...

This would if it hits the fan be at most a minor help. Societies collapse easily if you introduce the ultimate weapons. Most countries cannot handle even a couple of hits. Larger ones can barely survive a dozen. Even the very largest would go under at several dozen. The big open secret about this is that societal overkill is reached quickly in such wars.If I was responsible for storage I would be far more interested in stockpiling riot control gear and lots of ammo when/if the riots escalate to full blown insurrections. The survivors would get restless fast and you're not gonna do much with CBRN equipment when inflation hits 10000000% postwar. Bullets on the other hand. You need to stockpile since units in the field are likely to disintegrate by the time they get a recall order back home.

Hans Persson said...

Lots of uninhabited lands where they can tinker away with the biological stuff in privacy.

Mr Nobody said...

Thanks Hans,

You live up that way. That is one situation that did not occur to me.

Mr. Nobody