Thursday, January 19, 2023

Former Russian President Medvedev Warns A Russian Defeat In Ukraine Will Mean Nuclear War

FILE PHOTO: Deputy Chairman of Russia's Security Council Medvedev gives an interview outside Moscow  

Reuters: Putin ally warns NATO of nuclear war if Russia is defeated in Ukraine 

MOSCOW (Reuters) -An ally of President Vladimir Putin warned NATO on Thursday that a defeat of Russia in Ukraine could trigger a nuclear war, while the head of the Russian Orthodox Church said the world would end if the West tried to destroy Russia. 

Such apocalyptic rhetoric is intended to deter the U.S.-led NATO military alliance from getting even more involved in the war, on the eve of a meeting of Ukraine's allies to discuss sending Kyiv more weapons. 

But the explicit recognition that Russia might lose on the battlefield marked a rare moment of public doubt from a prominent member of Putin's inner circle. 

"The defeat of a nuclear power in a conventional war may trigger a nuclear war," former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who serves as deputy chairman of Putin's powerful security council, said in a post on Telegram. 

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WNU Editor: He is saying this to warn the US and NATO on the consequences if they should directly intervene in Ukraine. If you understand Russian, Medvedev' Telegram page is here (link here). 

Former Russian President Medvedev Warns A Russian Defeat In Ukraine Will Mean Nuclear War  

Putin ally: Russia’s defeat in Ukraine could trigger nuclear war -- The Hill  

Russia's Medvedev warns of nuclear fallout if Russia defeated by NATO arms in Ukraine -- FOX News  

Medvedev warns of nuclear war if Russia defeated in Ukraine -- Al Jazeera  

Top Putin ally Medvedev escalates nuclear rhetoric ahead of NATO meeting -- Washington Examiner


Anonymous said...

Medvedev can screw himself.

This akin to a bully beating up a smaller kid at school and threatening onlookers with a mass casualty event if they intervene.

Medvedev needs to be frog marched into The Hague and put on trial.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NATO is already in Russia lol.. he’s all talk…

Anonymous said...

He is only stating the obvious here. No reason to make more of it than it is.

It is a yawn moment.

But a warning to all. be carful and not too ready to discount this idea

Remember Israel in the 73 war. They were fully prepared to exercise the Sampson option.

If I remember correctly, they had the planes loaded hot and standing by.

Anonymous said...

Just just keeps getting better. "If you guys keep interfering with our war crimes, preventing us from killing civilians and reducing Ukraine to an ash heap, we'll just nuke ya'all!"

Anonymous said...

I have just put my samovar for sale on E-Bay

Anonymous said...

As if every western power also wouldn’t push the button if militarily defeated. YAWN

Anonymous said...

Russia won't lose this. Col. Douglas MacGregor reckons Ukraine has lost roughly 122,000 dead, 35,000 missing presumed dead. Russia has lost around 16,000 dead roughly 50,000 wounded. The war will end sometime in 2023. No one except politicians & generals in Europe wants war with the Russians. Keep ducking

Anonymous said...


You got that right. This goes full bore and it will be god-awful-ugly.

There are people on this blog who whine about the destruction and death now. They then say rah rah lets have more war. Kill Putin , Russians are orcs blah blah.

Wait until Kiev turns into Mosul or Dresden...... and if the west enters the war... St Petersburg will have flashbacks of the 2nd WW.. but then will Berlin.

Go ahead and have fun. Want to know what is going to happen if the war goes full bore?

Re-read the Sybil of Prague...that will be your future.