Monday, January 23, 2023

Former Russian President Medvedev Predicts A New Anti-US Military Alliance

FILE PHOTO. Dmitry Medvedev. © Sputnik / Yekaterina Shtukina  

RT: Ex-Russian president predicts new anti-US military alliance 

The Ukraine crisis may lead to the founding of a bloc of countries “fed up” with Washington, Dmitry Medvedev says  

The continuous flow of military aid to Kiev clearly shows that the collective West is seeking to “wear out or, preferably, destroy” Russia, the country’s former president, Dmitry Medvedev, remarked on Sunday. The effort, however, may ultimately backfire for the US and its allies, he believes. 

Medvedev, who currently serves as deputy chair of the Russian Security Council, made the comments in a social media post, days after a meeting at the US Ramstein air base in Germany at which Western powers pledged to continue supporting Kiev. 

The meeting at Ramstein and the allocation of heavy weaponry to Kiev leave no doubt that our enemies will be trying to wear us out for an indefinite period of time, or, preferably, to destroy us,” the ex-president wrote. 

However, the prolongation of the hostilities in Ukraine may ultimately lead to the emergence of a new military bloc that brings together nations “fed up with the Americans,” Medvedev suggested.  

Read more ....  

Update: Extension of Ukraine conflict may result in new anti-US military alliance, says ex-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev (First Post). 

 WNU Editor: I do not see a new anti-US military alliance rising from the current crisis. But I do see the non-Western world pursuing economic alliances that will be independent from the West, and specifically away from the US dollar.


Jac said...

There has long been a struggle to "dethrone" the dollar. They have all failed and those who come will do the same. Why ? Because it is a profound error of strategic economic analysis. The dollar is strong because the US is technologically leading. If you want to access US tech you have to pay in dollars and to pay in dollars you have to trade in dollars. There is no other way out except to be leader in tech. Well, creativity only grows in free countries. Game over!

Anonymous said...

Not that I'm a fan of either us foreign policy or of its use of the dollar as a weapon-but there is NO other currency at present that can or will seriously compete. THAT IT IS THE WAY IT IS. Exactly who's to lead this new monetary alliance? Russia? China? Brazil? Canada? Britain? France? Australia? Brazil? Saudi Arabia? India? Japan? Who? I know! Let's create a NEW dollar! Based on wtf??? Hopes and dreams? The uS is or could be essentially self-sufficient, at least enough to make do, in agriculture, tech, energy, shipping, military, minerals, etc. As weak as the dollar may be, encumbered by a ridiculously high national debt, who's better off right now that can lead this new alliance into the light?

Anonymous said...

Dollar strength comes from demand, if demand falls, so goes the dollar. The purple haired woke babies are taking over US industry and the east is getting sick of it all. Every empire that was is no longer, and the United States will not be an exception.

Anonymous said...

You guys are right...but it has to do more than just trade.

US still has the power to....

Buy people and governments off.


and free stuff

Plus you get to be in the US circle of friends. You are a "made man" now have connections.

See how it works.

Anonymous said...

The "purple haired woke babies" are still a distinct minority, and their numbers are probably offset by legal and illegal immigrants, most of whom want nothing to do with that crap. Most of them just want to WORK. Yes, the woke jokers are a real potential future problem, but with the break-up of the old world order, a global wakeup call has already begun (witness the ongoing supply chain disruptions) and will knock most of them on their asses. They'll be running back to mommy.