Sunday, January 22, 2023

Former Senior Advisor To Ukraine President Zelenskiy Says That It’s Very Unlikely That Ukraine Will Win The War

WNU Editor: Alexey Arestovich is saying the same thing that Ukraine's top General said to the Economist in an interview last month .... What Ukraine's Military Leadership Is Saying (December 15, 2022). If Ukraine does not get the massive military support that it needs, this war of attrition will only result in a Russian military victory.


Anonymous said...

Probably not in the best interest of the US or NATO for Ukraine to "win," which could push Putin to get really crazy, if for no other reason than to save face. But Ukraine will certainly be used to bleed Russia as much as possible before the plug is pulled.

Anonymous said...

The seeds of Ukraines defeat were laid last year. The west should have started training young Ukrainians on F-16’s, Leopards, M2 Bradley’s, American artillery, air defenses way back in May after Ukraine repulsed the first Russian invasion. Then after sufficient pipeline of trained crews, introduce those weapons to Ukraine. Biden made classic error in war, “too little, too late”.

Anonymous said...

Northern Korea will attack soon

Anonymous said...

THIS is all LIES!!!!!

Ukraine will win!!! Fazman, Skoda and the members of this blogs Ukrainian Rah Rah section have deemed it so.

This man is a traitor and Putin Stooge. DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM!!!!.


We are winning at Bahkmut and we will take Crimea by Christmas!!!!

Zelinski Forever!!

Putin Is hitler!!!

Hillery is with us!!!!

Slava Ukraine!!!

Anonymous said...

that's the safe money bet

Anonymous said...

calm down

Anonymous said...

No shit, finally someone has said it

Anonymous said...


Don't like the verbalization of the obvious?

People for months have believed the UKeis and West's Rah Rah statements or analysis...and just about each time....each time....after a few weeks or months ...

it comes out that the narrative was a lie.

But you all go ahead and live in a fantasy land.