Saturday, January 21, 2023

Fractures Are Starting To Emerge In NATO

DNYUZ/New York Times: The NATO Alliance Is Holding Strong on Ukraine. But Fractures Are Emerging 

WASHINGTON — The billions of dollars in new arms for Ukraine announced this month — including British tanks, American fighting vehicles and howitzers from Denmark and Sweden — are testament to President Vladimir V. Putin’s failure to split the NATO allies after nearly a year of war. But small yet significant fractures are getting too big to hide. 

The differences are over strategy for the coming year and the more immediate question of what Ukraine needs in the next few months, as both sides in the war prepare for major offensives in the spring. And while most of those debates take place behind closed doors, Britain’s impatience with the current pace of aid and Germany’s refusal to provide Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine broke out into public view this week.  

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WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. If Ukraine loses the war and/or be forced to make serious concessions to Russia to end the conflict, some NATO members will be re-evaluating their position in NATO. This is why NATO cannot afford to lose this conflict, or even have the perception of losing the conflict. The geopolitical consequences to the NATO and specifically the US will be devastating and long lasting.


Anonymous said...

Ukraine is now vital to both the USA and Russia. Vital to an American empire and vital to the Russian state. Ukraine should look to the Korean War as a guide where American firepower slaughtered chinese in the 20 to 1 ratios. Ukraine needs superior technologies to kill vast numbers of Russians. F-16’s, JDAMS, long range missiles and huge numbers of drones ought to be in the pipeline.

Anonymous said...

What a callus heart you have to talk about the murder of men without regard for their souls and lives. This war could have been over before it started if it wasn’t for the US imperial blood lust. America is rotten to its capital core and it stench is covering the earth.

Anonymous said...

exactly 11:53
just give Russia all it wants, always, and no worries

Anonymous said...

The problem with this argument is that it leads to a direct military conflict between NATO/US and Russia. Not a proxy war. If it does not involve NATO troops or NATO attack on Russian infrastructure, I don't think, despite widespread opinion contrary to mine, that this war will last that long. Russia can and will spend the blood it takes. I don't admire this outcome. In my view Putin is a fool and an evil murderer. I think Z sees the likely outcome now, as he is making more noise about negotiation. I think the key player in ending this will not be the US, but China.

Anonymous said...

China will stay clear of this mess and let the dust settle before it makes significant moves,alliances.

Anonymous said...

The bots insist that NATO unity is stronger than ever.

fazman said...

Exactly , give him whatever he needs while there is some momentum

Anonymous said...

WNU: Can't they just blow it off and say "Ukraine wasn't ready for Prime-Time I guess!"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is doomed

Anonymous said...

word should be 'callous' 'calloused,' or 'callussed.' A callus is the thick horny skin. Callussed may be spelled with one s.

Anonymous said...

NATO is only good because of the USA

Anonymous said...

Fractures aren’t surprising. Germany will always have a stance facing east and west. Prior to the invasion Germany was distancing itself from American interests, so much so fractures formed over energy and relations with China or Russia and other European nations. If Germany refuses the tank request why not other requests? Then it positions itself in the center between east and west, where it always wants to be.

Anonymous said...

2 or 3 Russian bots here