Sunday, January 22, 2023

French President Macron Wants To Spend €400 Billion To ‘Transform’ France’s Forces Through 2030


Defense News: Macron wants €400 billion to ‘transform’ France’s forces through 2030 

STUTTGART, Germany — Seven months after declaring the launch of a new “war economy” in France, President Emmanuel Macron has unveiled plans to spend hundreds of billions of euros on defense investments that will “transform” the military over the next decade. 

The nation’s next six-year military programming law – known in French as the “loi de programmation militaire,” or LPM – will shape the nation’s defense spending between 2024-2030. 

Drawing on current geopolitical circumstances and technological developments, Macron will request a €400 billion ($433.4 billion) investment for the 2024-2030 LPM, he announced in a Friday speech at the nation’s Mont-de-Marsan Air Base in southwestern France. 

If enacted, that sum would reflect a 35% increase over the current 2019-2025 LPM of €295 billion, and could cover a total of €413 billion military needs, he claimed. 

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French President Macron Wants To Spend €400 Billion To ‘Transform’ France’s Forces Through 2030  

Macron unveils major boost in French military spending amid Ukraine war -- France 24  

Macron boosts French military spending by over a third to 'transform' army -- Reuters  

France's Macron proposes big rise in defence budget -- BBC  

Macron proposes major boost to French defense spending amid Ukraine war -- 

Emmanuel Macron boosts defence budget to keep France 'a war ahead' -- The Telegraph  

Macron: France to hike military spending by a third -- DW 

‘Multiple threats’: Macron raises France’s military budget 40% -- Al Jazeera

1 comment:

Ron said...

alot of talk it seems to me. the problem with so many western nation's leaders is they ignore realities. you cannot escape that truth abides over time. France is broke, if they cut one dollar from a pensioner or add one day to the retirement age, their streets fill with angry voters. The French Government like so many other western countries are ram rodding this CO2 as a poison/pollutant nonsense and are destroying their cheap energy systems which erodes wealth, wealth the government can't steal. If the French are going to buy their weapons and equipment from the Dollar General then yeah, maybe it will work. otherwise............Ron