Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Germany To Send Leopard 2 Tanks To Ukraine


BBC: US and Germany ready to send tanks to Ukraine - reports 

After months of reluctance, the US and Germany reportedly plan to send tanks to Ukraine, in what Kyiv hopes will be a game-changer on the battlefield. US President Joe Biden's administration is expected to announce plans to send at least 30 M1 Abrams tanks. 

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has also reportedly decided to send at least 14 Leopard 2 tanks. 

Russia's ambassador to the US blasted the news as "another blatant provocation". 

Ukrainian officials have said such shipments could help its forces seize back territory from the Russians. 

Until now, the US and Germany have resisted internal and external pressure to send their tanks to Ukraine.   

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The last time German tanks were used in this part of the world it ended very badly for Europe as a whole. My cousin in Moscow called these reports of the US and Germany planning to send tanks to Ukraine "Operation Barbarasso 2". 

Sighhh .... Russians are about to see German tanks gunning for them over the horizon. Westerners have no idea on what passions this will raise in Russia. 

This is really bad. Everyone I know in Russia is now convinced that NATO is about to engage in a hot war with Russia. 

I have also been told that Moscow bluntly told Germany that this crosses a red-line. That once German Leopard tanks are engaged against Russian forces, President Putin will announce a General Mobilization. He will state that this deployment has broken treaties with Russia on the use and deployment of German military assets, and Russia must respond. 

Germany To Send Leopard 2 Tanks To Ukraine  

Germany to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine — reports -- DW  

U.S., Germany poised to send tanks to Ukraine, answering Kyiv's pleas -- Reuters  

Germany set to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, Der Spiegel reports -- CNN  

Germany moves to send battle tanks to Ukraine -- Politico  

Germany, US agree to send battle tanks to Ukraine: Reports -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

Bullshit. The situation is completely different. Russians have no idea what they have been doing to the world for centuries.

fazman said...

Wnu seems to be confused who the aggressor is , about bloody time

Anonymous said... ignorant morons. The situation needs to be de-escalated or this is going to blow up into something bigger than we can imagine. Russian general mobilization? Why on earth would you push that red line? Especially in a situation that is clearly not going well. I never thought I'd see such insanity

Anonymous said...

Deescalation might be considered by the Russians too. You seem to forget that who is escalating the situation singe Feb last year.

Anonymous said...

@1:36 AM

In his mind, the aggressor was always Ukraine/Western forces. If you go far back to his opinion pieces concerning Crimea or more recently before the outbreak of hostilities, it's filled with Russian bias and always sprouting on about how Russia has been 'forced' to do the actions they do by NATO.

The author of this blog is a big red-coated Trumper, a Putin advocate and most certainly a Russian patriot.

Crutch00 said...

@WNU - why do Russians feel Ukraine/the West are the aggressors here? I genuinely do not understand. Does it not distil down to Russia attacking a sovereign 2014 and since, in breach of International Law etc? This talk of Barbarossa is not rational.

Anonymous said...

Good point

Anonymous said...

One should never underestimate the irrationality of Russia and russian people. Luckily, this time the Chinese will not allow them to cross the ultimate red line.

Anonymous said...

A case of the blind leading the blind A COUPLE tanks are going to change nada the situation however the constant Bear poking will have a reaction I want to see where all these bigmouths are gonna hide when the SHTF

Anonymous said...

As for China ever heard of BRICS??

Anonymous said...

Grow a Penis

Anonymous said...

The bear is already charging, if you have not realized…It is about to stop it.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant comeback!

Anonymous said...

"My cousin in Moscow called these reports of the US and Germany planning to send tanks to Ukraine "Operation Barbarasso 2".

Well the rest of us civilized people consider Bucha as Katyn #2. Ring a bell?

I married a Mainlander. It means they are nonwhite, non=Christian and communist. So whatever special animus I might have had during the Cold War due to jingoistic or similar reasons I never had or set aside.

I really do not want war for many obvious reasons. There is an ancient American saying. I won't start a fight, but I will finish it.

"I have also been told that Moscow bluntly told Germany that this crosses a red-line ... He will state that this deployment has broken treaties with Russia on the use and deployment of German military assets, "

Russia broke treaties as far back as 2014 or 2004.

Things are happening,. COIVD is over. There is no more masking in the hospitals as of last Monday. Soldiers thrown out of the military can get back in with backpay. The Rulers of the Universe are trying to dig themselves out of a hole. Of course they do not want people to notice. Bonuses paid to separated troops will have to be repaid. I look for Austin to reverse this. I look to Keystone XL to be built. I see the tran thing to go away. Part of that was fed from the top down.

Point is that many wedge issues will go away. Like the classified document thing. With the FBI agent arrested and linked to a Russian oligarch, I think a lost of hate is coming Russia's way and there will be less internal divisions in America.

Putin, Russia's St Petersburg Corporal, who has not demonstrated he is as brave as the Bavarian Corporal, is making all the same mistakes in statecraft and warcraft.

Let him call a general mobilization.

Anonymous said...

I have no confidence in Joe Biden as a man. I have no confidence in his team. Always remember that Putin stayed out of Ukraine from 2014 to 2022. Trump was president for much of that time. As soon as Biden took over in 2021, Putin began invasion preparations. This war was avoidable.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree! Russian BS

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous Anonymous @1:36 AM

If you don't like this blog, why don't you stay the hell off of it?

Anonymous said...

I don't imagine that tanks would be so difficult to eliminate on the battlefield with short range missiles. Or better still, destroy the transports bringing the tanks into Ukraine. Assuming Russian military has the capacity to do this.

Anonymous said...

"Putin stayed out of Ukraine from 2014 to 2022"

Not by choice. Rasputin was resting, reloading and rebuilidng.

Matthew Putnam said...

2:16 is a democrat commie boot licker bot who spends all his time in Conservative website comment sections gaslighting everyone, calling names and picking fights, then running away shortly after having added no value in every single case. He is big red-coated Democrat communist, a Putin advocate and most certainly a Russian patriot.

Anonymous said...

As an american I have been planning for this kind of insanity for 10 years. Nay, all my life.

US rewards shortsightedness and ego

Anonymous said...

Were you alive and cognizant during the cold war? Do you know about Nuland's cookies?

Do you think that Putin is sick, or healthy?

Anonymous said...

These guys are idiots or paid to seem so.
Yeah, they'll will make even more money up until the lights go out. Dumb fucks.

Anonymous said...

Don't you have a diary? Have fun with your mail order onlyfans model.

Anonymous said...

Concur. That's why i think he might just be a paid idiot.

Anonymous said...

That's the idea

Anonymous said...

I recall that Russia made a pact with Hitler. That did not work.
Putnam is a silly child in his name calling.
U.S. asked Israel for its Hawk missiles to send to Ukraine

Anonymous said...

Yes by choice. And he admits it was perhaps an error.

Anonymous said...

uh, no

Anonymous said...

you are silly also

Mr Nobody said...

If you all read this blog you have seen my past postings, So there is no real reason to say a lot.

1. When will the German tanks arrive? If not soon , in 30-60 days, then it will be too late. The Ukraine as we know it today, will be gone.

But I also believe the Germans and Americans do not plan to send this equipment any time soon. That way it will be too late, and they can say...

"hey we supported the Ukrainians and now the evil Russians have defeated them."

NATO will save a lot of money that way and you do not really antagonize (push them to the edge) the Russians.
Plus a big advantage ... Ukraine becomes a martyr like Horst Wessel for political football time.

2. The Germans are sending 14 Tanks. That is about a Tank company worth. The Americans plan to send 31 that is about 1/2 a battalion. So all together, and throw in the Poles and French ,you have about a full tank battalion or if you are lucky about a Tank Brigade.

3 For many reasons , This is not enough to slow down a major Russian assault.

German tanks are a "red line"??. This is new. When did that happen? No worries The Russians are going to do what the Russians are going to do.

And here it is my fellow bloggers, you got about 30-60 days before this situation gets real ugly. It could happen tomorrow or by the end of March, But it will happen.

I suggest you do what ever preparations you need to do to ensure your family has what they need in order to live comfortably in a world of shortages, economic problems and possible nuke escalation.

Anonymous said...

Mr Nobody (Persona)

Bakhmut is a major assault. This assault has at least been slowed. Technically, winter is only half over, but the last 3 to 6 weeks of winter will be wet and muddy. I mentioned winter being almost over, because we were promised a major Soviet assault all during the fall. Now we are promised a spring assault.

I have read that 20% of the prisoners released from prison to fight in Ukraine are alive. Those are horrendous losses and they speak of Ukrainian overwhelming superiority or the lack of skill or purposeful dumb tactics.'

Maybe Russia needs more machine gun battalions behind the penal battalions?

After reading of Russian s losses I am revaluating Sun Tzu or my interpretation of Sun Tzu.

Anonymous said...

While Germany is providing only 14 Leopard 2s for now, this is not all the Leopards that will be sent. We already have confirmation that Europe collectively will be sending 80 Leopard 2s, which is around a quarter of the total Ukraine wants to be able to conduct offensive operations (300). 80 tanks is around two Russian armored brigades.

Rheinmetall has already said that with permission it could provide an additional 139 Leopards to Ukraine (51 Leopards 2s, with the other 88 being Leopard 1s). Although it will take time to prepare them all, 29 can be available by April/May with the rest by turn of next year.

So posters who are claiming that fourteen tanks won't make a difference are ignoring that we could easily see over 200 Leopards sent to Ukraine (100 by summer). While the Leopard 1s are not as good, they'll still be very useful considering the Russians are now fielding a lot of antiquated T-62s. I would not be surprised if the total number of donated Leopards reach 300-400 by the end of the year or beginning of next year.

Will some be lost in battle? Of course. But they are going to destroy a hell of a lot of Russian tanks and armored vehicles.

The Leopards are the best tanks for Ukraine. They can arrive in large numbers, use existing ammo and parts stock, and Ukraine can quickly train crews and maintenance people on them. Any donated Challengers, Abrams, and other tanks would probably be best used in western Ukraine and as reserve to as a block to potential aggression from Belarus, and free up any existing Ukrainian forces to go to the front. The logistics issues probably won't be worth using those tanks on the front.

The idea that Russia so far has not been "seriously" fighting this war and can simply flip a switch and start winning when it finally wants to is a ridiculous one. The war has gone from one where it was assumed Russia would win (and the only question is how much of Ukrainian territory and sovereignty would be lost) to one where the outcome is contentious (meaning either a limited Russian victory or Russian aggression defeated). We'll know by late summer whether that remains the same or has changed to one of mutual exhaustion or if Ukrainian victory becomes likely.

Putin is now squealing because it means he realizes Russia now just cannot eventually exhaust Ukraine to the point where it must surrender because Russia can accept much bigger losses. If Putin can't get a big victory soon, Russia's advantage in material will decline to nothing.


Anonymous said...

Your analysis assumes that there will not be a spring offensive.

It also assumes that the conventional war will continue for more than 6 months in order to allow NATO to deliver the equipment.
Those are mighty big IFs.

300 to 400 leopards by next year? Who will be paying for those.?
T62s. Have not seen too many of those around about as much as I have seen the T14.
Mostly T90s and 80s and heavily modified 72s.

But unless they are snuck around the battlefield, the new NATO replacement vehicles will be had to keep hidden. And once discovered, local commanders will be obliged to meet them with appropriate force..that is..there probably will not be very many T62/64 Leopard battles.

This is not iraq.