Sunday, January 22, 2023

Germany's Allies Are 'Shocked' That They Are Withholding Leopard 2 Tanks To Ukraine

Leopard 2 tanks during exercises 

EU Observer: Germany 'shocks' allies by withholding Ukraine tanks 

Accusations of Russia appeasement have redoubled following Germany's decision to continue withholding tanks from Ukraine. 

German defence minister Boris Pistorius defended Berlin's decision following a Western arms-pledging meeting by 54 countries at the Rammstein military base in Germany on Friday (20 January). 

"There was no unified opinion on this," he told press, referring to Kyiv's call for Germany to deliver Leopard 2-class tanks to the battlefields of Ukraine. 

"The impression that sometimes arises that there is a united coalition and Germany is standing in the way is wrong," he added. 

"There are many allies who say: 'We share the view you've set out here. There are good reasons for delivering [the Leopards] and good reasons against it'," Pistorius said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The allies are pissed .... Allies Angry At German 'Indecision' On Tanks For Ukraine Amid Russian Gains In East & South (Zero Hedge).  

Update: Here are the Leopard tanks that Ukraine can receive .... 19 German Leopard 2 tanks available for transfer to Ukraine, reports Der Spiegel (The New Voice of Ukraine).

Update #2: Some German parliamentarians do not want to burn their future relations with Russia (see tweet below):


Caecus said...

Poland wants to send its Leopard 2s to Ukraine while it replaces them with Abrams, no wonder the Germans are worried, they are about to be replaced by US contracts

Anonymous said...

Well the Kraut politician is absolutely right.

This war , in part, was incited/fomented by the Americans to solidify the American hold over Europe. That is one of the reasons of blowing up the NS pipeline.

The American pressure to send tanks is to help rub salt in the German Russian wound.

The American want no turn back from Europe. It is one of the reasons the hate and fear Orban in Hungary.

Anonymous said...

2:52 PM
thanks! and all this time I thought it was because the Russians invaded a country that was at peace.

Anonymous said...


If you want to believe the fairy tale that the Russians just woke up one day and decided to invade the Ukraine for no reason, then go ahead.

They were at peace? Well I guess all those dead in the Donbass since 2015 would not want to agree with you.

Being at "peace". well I guess you will have to bring the US up for war crimes for Iraq, Somalia, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan.

Did you ever ask yourself why the Ukies had the 2014 coup?
Because they and the Russians were doing fine before then. Then for some weird reason, the ukies suddenly and magically, became practically anti Russian racists. But the USA had absolutely nothing to do with it right?

Look around and use some common sense.

fazman said...

Exactly, sometimes the obvious is too hard to comprehend

Anonymous said...

Scholz is a coward and Russian fellow traveler.

"Reminder - In 1980's, Olaf Scholz and Gerhard Schroder headed the Jusos socialist youth organization that worked with Russians to organize protests against "complete submission to the offensive strategy of American globalist imperialism”."

"Reminder: Scholz used to be even worse. In the 80s the ruling party of East- regarded him as 'an important ally in the struggle against NATO'. He visited East- 9 times with special privileges. He identified as a Marxist and showed strong dislike for both NATO and West-"

fazman said...

You can take Yugoslavia off that list for starters

Anonymous said...

Yep. He's not wrong. But Maté may have had to dig around a lot to find this tweet.

Anonymous said...

Like that the Sun descends into the Ocean each evening?

Anonymous said...

name calling aside: what was the Ukraine nation doing the day the Russians invaded? What was the Russian military doing the day they entered Ukraine?now I am not defending the Ukraine nation or its history. And in the same way, IU am not defending the US or its history. I merely state that Ukraine got invaded by the Russian army. period.

Anonymous said...

Sure did buddy...and if you were the Russian president you would have done the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Trolls are spastic. they got nothing/ who is 6:43 replying to? Does he even know?

Anonymous said...


Do you even know what you are talking about? If so what is it?

The problem of who invaded who is not the issue. It is who was the instigator of this fight? Who pushed who into the conflict?

If you continue to throw rocks at your neighbors dog and kids for over 5 years, and then he finally loses his patience and beats your ass, who was in the wrong?

You get what you deserve