Monday, January 23, 2023

How Many Classified Documents Have Been Found In US President Biden's Home? Apparently The Answer Is 'Complicated'

WNU Editor: US Senator Ted Cruz wonders how then US Senator Biden was able to take documents out of a secure SCIF in the basement of the Capital (see tweet below).


Anonymous said...

Ian Sams: Revenge of the (Fill in the Blank)

When you can't work you tach and when you can't teach you become a spox?

Anonymous said...

7:50 PM
and when you can not do even that you become a silly snark commenter with nothing of merit to say

RussInSoCal said...

7:54 PM

The difference that you libs determinedly ignore is that Trump was POTUS when he legally took classified docs from DC. He had the authority to do anything he wanted with classified docs. His actions become the policy. Biden was VICE President and a Senator when he stole classified docs and stacked them in boxes next to his pristine 1967 corvette and apparently all over Delaware. Biden did not have any authority whatsoever to declassify or remove classified documents.

Its hilarious to watch the left squirm over the fact that Biden the hypocrite committed an actual crime and that Trump did not.

Anonymous said...

Is Biden an agent for a foreign government?

Anonymous said...

7:54 you are a medical miracle, an imposter or you are a dumb shit, who cannot stay in character.
7:54's rules

Rule #1 Dump on Trump all day, every day.
Rule #2 Never badmouth Biden or any prominent Democrat.
Rule #3 See rules #1 & #2 above.

Anonymous said...

Is Biden an agent for a foreign government?

In my opinion, he is.

Chinese citizens had access to his foundation offices, etc.

I believe that having already stolen the W88 plans and other such technical secrets, the Chinese were not after those. They were after what America's policies were and what the intent of various administrations were. Being able to read the room is on part with knowing tech secrets.

I also believe that many people would sell such things reasoning they are not technical secrets, but just policy and intent which could change from administration to administration or in the span of 1 administration, so what is the long term harm.

Psychologically knowing intent or reading the room is very important. Reading the room led to crossing the Rhine, Anschluss and Munich, misreading the room led to the invasion of Poland and WW2.

The Chinese want a read of intent every year obviously and at the very least every 4 years again obviously. They have more than 1 source obviously.

That is my belief.

Anonymous said...

W.T.F.?? She asked for an estimate as to how many files might be involved. "Well, the answer to that is complicated." Complicated how? She didn't ask what was IN the files, just how many there might be. How in the F* is that "complicated"? typical bullshit political spin crap.

"Well, that's a very a good question, Karen. And thanks for sticking to the script. But you know, the answer is actually quite complicated, so I don't expect the dumbass American voters to understand it."

You're right about that, dickhead. We don't understand why you can't respond to a simple question. But actually we do understand, don't we? These are simply political wankers blowing smoke out their asses when their hands are caught in the cookie jar.

Oh by the way.. . Orange man bad!

Anonymous said...

I would bet that Trump will have legal problems that are serious for his treatment of the classified document and Biden will be scolded only.
Now for all the anti Biden folks:
First on CNN: Classified documents found at Pence's Indiana home | CNN Politics

Anonymous said...


If you are doing a number count of documents only, it shows your partisanship. The topic of the d9ocuments would be more important.

Also on the number count the Biden people are lying.

I bet Clinton and Obama have documents and they are being protected.