Saturday, January 7, 2023

Is This A Conflict Of Interest?

Dailly Caller: Lawmakers Voted To Send Billions To Ukraine While Making A Killing On Defense Contractor Stocks 

* Members of Congress profited from selling defense company stocks, many after voting in favor of sending billions in weapons to Ukraine. 

* While unforeseen demand has left top weapons makers scrambling to meet production targets, defense stocks are performing well overall, according to Investopedia. 

* Several Republican lawmakers bought defense stocks but voted against Ukraine aid. 

Members of Congress raked in profits from defense contractor stocks after voting to send billions in military aid to Ukraine, according to financial disclosures and voting records reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation. 

The U.S. has delivered more than $20 billion worth of military aid to Ukraine between Jan. 24, a month before Russia invaded, and Nov. 20, according to data compiled by the Council on Foreign Relations, and Congress has approved billions more in spending on Ukraine. 

To make up for that aid, top defense companies have boosted production, and lawmakers trading on company stocks saw a financial windfall as a result, according to publicly available stock trading data.  

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WNU Editor: Its always about the money.


Anonymous said...

Parliament of whores

Anonymous said...

So there was a certainty of continuance of mil.aid to the Ukraine ie: we all on the same page time to make some money let the sheep think we are running a democracy These are the people that control us common thieves and criminals

Anonymous said...

voters are stupid

Anonymous said...

No I am not. Just can’t do anything about it myself. Unless your signing on as part of my assault team - LOL