Monday, January 16, 2023

Israeli Army Says 'Iran Has Enough Enriched Uranium To Make 4 Nuclear Bombs'

Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi. AFP  

Middle East Monitor: 'Iran has enough enriched uranium to make 4 nuclear bombs,' Israeli army says 

Iran currently has enough enriched uranium to make four nuclear bombs, Israel's outgoing military chief informed reporters on Friday. 

"Iran today has enough enriched material to produce four nuclear bombs, three at 20 per cent and one at 60 per cent," Israeli public broadcaster Kan reported outgoing Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi telling reporters.

Kochavi shared that over the last year, the Israeli army prepared three programmes to launch an attack in Iran as a retaliatory strike, unrelated to the nuclear programme, to destroy nuclear facilities supporting the nuclear project. 

Read more .... 

Update: Israel warns Iran is on verge of nuclear bomb (Express)  

WNU Editor: Iran's nuclear program is without a doubt going to be Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's number one foreign and national security concern.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I believe the Israeli's intle agency way more than our unreliable and Democrat over-politicized Inteligence establishment.