Monday, January 9, 2023

Many Foreign Policy Experts Believe Russia Faces Revolution And Collapse Within 10 Years

Business Insider: Russia faces revolution and collapse within 10 years after sanctions undermined its economy, many experts tell think-tank 

* Many foreign policy experts believe Russia could become a failed state or break up by 2033, a think-tank survey found. 

* Russia's economy has been hit hard by the West's Ukraine war sanctions, such as oil export controls. 

* China will invade Taiwan within 10 years, most experts forecast in the Atlantic Council survey. 

Russia is at risk of becoming a failed state or even breaking up by 2033 as the economy flounders due to the long-term impact of Western sanctions, according to a new survey conducted by the Atlantic Council. 

The poll garnered the views of 167 experts on what they think the world will look like in 10 years. While 46% of respondents expect Russia to splinter by 2033, 21% see it as the most likely country to become a doomed state. 

"One of the most surprising takeaways was how many respondents pointed to a potential Russian collapse over the next decade — suggesting that the Kremlin's war against Ukraine could precipitate hugely consequential upheaval in a great power with the largest nuclear-weapons arsenal on the planet," the think-tank said. 

Moreover, 40% of respondents expect Russia to break up internally by 2033 because of "revolution, civil war, political disintegration."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: A lot can happen in ten years. But if the past year is any indication on what may happen in the coming years, I see a different trend. 

Case in point. 

I have lost count on how many European governments have fallen in the past year. 

I am witnessing in real time the de-industrialization of Europe due to unsustainable energy costs. 

And then there is the high cost of living that is creating a social and economic crisis in both Europe and in the U.S./Canada, that will lead to more political instability and change of governments.

 And they say Russia is facing revolution and collapse in ten years?!?!?!?

And as for predictions. 

I predicted and lived to see the unrest in China that led to the Tienanmen massacre and crackdown in 1989. 

I predicted and lived to see the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union a few years later. 

I predicted and lived through the rise of Russia after the economic collapse and crisis in the 1990s. 

But Russia collapsing in ten years?!?!?!? I see zero evidence of that happening in my lifetime, and I expect to be around for another 25 to 30 years.


Anonymous said...

"I have lost count on how many European governments have fallen in the past year. "

You are smarter than that. So it begs the question.

If a political party loses the majority and no longer rules, the form of government still stands. It is just the party that is out in the wilderness for a while or it disintegrates and a new party or parties arise. Not exactly the same thing as a revolution.

Anonymous said...

There are gas reserves under Holland. The Green Party Assholes and the socialist Eurotrash refuse to develop it.

Liberals are the death of the world.

Caecus said...

Reminds me of Gordon Chang who claimed China would collapse in 2011, and when that didn't happen, definitely in 2012. Looks like these experts have even more confidence in their abilities

Mr. Nobody said...

Russia is not going to collapse anytime soon. Putin fixed the Russia of the 90's and no one wants to go back to that except some western progressive type backed blood suckers.

As long as the world depends on oil based products, its economy will survive. Politically, Russia's "social contract" stability now depends on the Russo Ukie war. If Putin screws this up, most likely you will get a hard core nationalist in there. If you think you have geo political problems now, under that regime, your problems will get a lot worse.

But the main worry is not the USSR or The Chinese. Their governments are somewhat predictable due to their ideological and border oriented geopolitical concerns.

The problem is the USA. A country whose political culture is being perceived by its own population as increasingly illegitimate.
Whose economy is increasingly unequal in nature, and thereby promotes unrest.
Whose political , economic and social policy decisions are being based on ideological fantasies like: CRT, no carbon emissions and the validity of Trans LBGT pseudo science. These ideological policy decisions promote inertia and ineptness in an already strained systems.

Into this mix of gross negligence, add in... A country who has "GLOBAL" reach in both military and active intelligence assets that can foment revolution and war. Whose economic strength can AND DOES determine the outcome many political/ social situations.

A nation...think about this.... whose political system IS SO WARPED THAT IT emplaced a corrupt hack dementia patient in as President.

That is scary.

Anonymous said...

Good so the government is considered illegitimate, there is turmoil and nukes are launched on Moscow. Dilver lining is no more Mr. Nobody. Everybody wins.

Anonymous said...

Business Insider is a notorious propaganda organ for the US left. Its "polls" are designed to produce a desired result before the first question is asked. People would do well to ignore it--the publication is worthless.

Ron said...

Russia has a culture and its leaders are not trying to destroy it and turn one against the other. it will survive whatever comes its way. I'm placing no bets on the west who have abandoned the traditions and cultures who got them there and are embracing this AI idiocy.


Anonymous said...

God grant you many years WNU

Anonymous said...

You are not alone

Anonymous said...

No shit.
Totall agree.

Anonymous said...

Could you expand on the AI idiocy comment.
Totally agree with the preceding parts just curious about your take on AI

Matthew Putnam said...

Thats an incredibly optimistic appraisal based on basically nothing. Hopeium is all it is; Thoughts and feelings, hopes and dreams. Business insider is a solidly left wing outlet so its just doing what they all do with their Hopeium crap. The progressive and pacifistic left has been enjoying all of its war escapades these past recent years. The whimsical thinkers and RINOS without a backbone love the idea of helping the "downtrodden" until the cost reality hits (the "Not worst inflation since the 80's" and "not economic recession") and responsible republicans dont want to increase the nations credit amount/debt ceiling while balancing the greatest amount of debt ever amassed by man. Partially Funded social programs with means testing and caps for most people, or entirely unfunded all-inclusive liabilities all around, from war to social services? Keep printing money and deal with the issues later is the mentality of only one party here. And no, no new spending programs should be funded until the national debt is erased, sorry idiots.

Russia just might be the last bastion of western/white civilization after the US and Europe get fully swarmed and usurped by African and Arab migrants killing each other. There is almost no appetite for an organic revolution in Russia. The US is still by far the best country in the world but we have given away too much, and all the recipients of the United States good graces over the years are now trying to pick the undead corpse clean to the grave. You cannot tell the left "no" and thats the biggest problem. And no, Republican spending doesnt even come close to democrat spending. A military budget is always necessary especially if you are the world leader, but free shit for everyone with endlessly similar redundant programs that experience year over year cost increases and thus fail from all the perverse incentives the programs thats the majority of the budget right there. Democrat programs that are massive and unsustainably unfunded liabilities; maxing out the national credit card to buy votes from the desperate and ignorant.

Hans Persson said...

What I see is the collapse of our standards due to high cost of living. When food goes up, the world reverts back to old-school survival. Guess what? We're going to experience the 40's again.

It has already started. We see full fledged unrests where they loot .everything. they can see. The "US" calls them peaceful protests, and now when nothing is holy anymore, expect rioting whenever something goes wrong and it upsets the plebs.

And now when we have successfully imported all the MENA standards, cars are going to burn non-stop. (They already do and we just ignore it)

And if we aren't super careful, we might relive the stone age again, woohoo. Finally our archeologists can figure out how it was living back then.

Hans Persson said...

Just think about it, if nukes wasn't in the picture, the "US" would have already enslaved us to their insane view of freedom.

Anonymous said...

Malmö is the future of Swedish culture.

Hans Persson said...

Yeah, Swedens best warning to the planet.

Anonymous said...

This article is a job resume for a DC thinktank. The kind where you don't need to be correct or even truthful to succeed, you just need to repeat the happy words.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 7:9 AM.

My concern is the USA surviving all this increased polarization, economic turmoil, inflation, increasingly heavilyarmed population, increased racial ghettos and tensions. I'd be more afraid of the USA going down with loads of nukes and very dangerous conventional weapons and angry people. Imagine Republic of California, Southeast America Regioanal Empire, Florida Government, Midwestof America govt. etc.

No one to bail us out. Plus Russia and China with all their rancorous BS don't want to see the USA suddenly go with a military government or regional nuclear powrs and DC gone from the equation...... "7 Days in May" anyone?