Saturday, January 7, 2023

Military Investigation Reveals How the Pentagon Misled The Public On A Botched U.S. Drone Strike in Kabul

Relatives and neighbors on Aug. 30, 2021, at the site of a U.S. drone strike in Kabul that killed 10 civilians. (Jim Huylebroek/The New York Times)  

New York Times: Military Investigation Reveals How the U.S. Botched a Drone Strike in Kabul 

WASHINGTON — In the chaotic final days of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, U.S. military analysts observed a white Toyota Corolla stop at what they believed was an Islamic State compound. 

The Americans were already on edge. Three days earlier, a suicide bomber had killed scores of Afghans and 13 U.S. troops at a main gate of the Kabul airport. Now, officials had intelligence that there would be another attack there, and that it would involve a white Corolla. 

They tracked the car around Kabul for the next several hours. After it pulled into a gated courtyard near the airport, they authorized a drone strike. Hours later, U.S. officials announced they had successfully thwarted an attack.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Errant Kabul drone strike was 'deadly blunder,' US military misled public about children killed: report (FOX News)  

Update #2: Pentagon misled public on drone strike that killed children – NYT (RT)  

WNU Editor: Bottom line. A lot of wrong assumptions and biases were the reasons for this disastrous drone strike. 

If I was to hazard a guess. The suicide bomber attack that killed 13 US soldiers at Kabul Airport a few days prior to this drone strike put everyone on edge, resulting in the mistakes and blunders that were then made.


Anonymous said...

I blame the caravan, Nick Maduro, and the gays.

Anonymous said...

The problem here is not that they killed innocent civilians. The greater crime is they lied about it. They make themselves illegitimate by having no honor or obligation to the truth.

This is another reason why western institutions cannot be trusted in their news reports or battle assessments. You never really know if they are telling the truth or lying through their teeth.

We are wining in Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

Obviously teo trolls above.

I bet the White House communicated to the Pentagon brass via phone, email or in person (best so as to leave no trail) dropped a bunch of F bombs, threatened their jobs and future livelihood, etc. Put them in poor house.

People die in war. People at the Pentagon are use to that. Service Member typically have $250,000 in life insurance (SGLI) and other support safety nets or networks in case of death. So while people in the Pentagon were dismayed, upset etc. that IMO opinion did not set them on edge as much as being threatened by some White House Hacks.

Were Pentagon brass threatened with physical harm? IDK, but that would be the next step.

People haver been physically threatened by White House or party operatives in the past. Some have been murdered. Which is outside of or in addition to using the FBI, IRS and other weaponized bureaucracy.

Navalny openly being poisoned by the Russian oligarchy is refreshing in a way in that it is very in your face. It makes government violence transparent for the public to see.

Anonymous said...

Obviously a ukie is rah rah above. Way behind the powercurve on his facts. Not to good on his assessment either