Wednesday, January 11, 2023

More Classified Biden Documents Have Been Found At A New Location


NBC: Biden aides find second batch of classified documents at new location 

On Monday, the White House acknowledged a "small number" of classified documents had been found in an office Biden used. 

WASHINGTON — Aides to President Joe Biden have discovered at least one additional batch of classified documents in a location separate from the Washington office he used after leaving the Obama administration, according to a person familiar with the matter. 

Since November, after the discovery of documents with classified markings in his former office, Biden aides have been searching for any additional classified materials that might be in other locations he used, said the source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to provide details about the ongoing inquiry. 

The White House did not reply to a request for comment. The Justice Department had no comment.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This does not look good. Not good at all .... Penn Biden Center where classified papers were found is a ‘dark money nightmare’ (NYPost). And you just know that there are more documents elsewhere.  

Update: If another batch is found elsewhere, the pressure to appoint a Special Prosecutor will only grow .... Pressure builds on Garland to appoint special counsel after second batch of classified Biden documents found (FOX News). 

More Classified Biden Documents Have Been Found At A New Location  

Source: Biden team finds more docs with classified markings -- AP  

Second batch of classified Biden docs found at new location: report -- The Hill 

Biden's legal team found more classified docs, according to a person familiar with the investigation -- Politico  

Biden’s legal team found another batch of classified documents in search of second location -- CNN  

Biden aides discovered second batch of classified docs: NBC News -- NBC News  

Penn Biden Center where classified papers were found is a ‘dark money nightmare’ -- NYPost


Anonymous said...

No response from the white house yet because "Biden time" is waiting for marching orders from Obammy, his puppet master

Anonymous said...

Biden confirms he is 100% running again and wouldn't you know it? Deep staters on his staff are suddenly finding the same shit that they found in Trump's closet. Crazy how that works.

Anonymous said...

Obama is calling shots. He may not be calling all of them, but he calling some big ones.

Obama intimidated or threatened Zuckerberg to fund special projects for country clerks and other office holders to get out the vote. Zuckerberg spent 400 million dollars. Zuckerberg might be generous and he might give away all his money when the is nearing 70 or 80, but 400m million is still a lot of money for someone trying to grow his business.

Maybe Metaverse could work out or work out better, if Zuckerberg had spent their 400 million there. As it is Meta verse and slowing profits at Facebook might sink Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg might lean left naturally but I think the 400 million was extorted.

Obama could very well meet with 1st , 2nd and 3rd tier people in government agencies that are there because of his administration and make life hell for Zuckerberg.

Getting rid of Joe won't fix the problem He is not calling the shots., He is the figurehead= and now he will be the DNC's designated fall guy. there are a whole phalanx of Democrat Party loyalists obsequously calling Biden Mr. President and then doing whatever the Hell they want to do or what the leading group of liberals think is right.

One of them is Jake Sullivan. Should not a special council look at him? He was director of the Biden center for a ear. Was the center a tax exempt parking space for Democrats in off years when they did not hold the presidency or did they actually produce something of value other than their own paycheck?

Anonymous said...

Are we tired of winning ?
tip: if you knock Biden on such stuff then you automatically bring up Trump on that stuff. Guess what the comparison shows?

Mr Nobody said...

Non big deal.... unless it has PII

Classified.... Your screwed, no matter what

Anonymous said...

Joe is losing. The Democrat Party is trying to force him out. They have settled on this as w ay to not bring up hunter, James Biden, the other Biden, non-competitive contracts in Iraq, China and Ukraine graft etc.

Winning? the in your face double standard has meant that more Republicans have got their back up and are willing to fight. The Democrat machine is providing the ammo. The drip drip drip method they are using is keeping this in the public consciousness. Meaning it is hard for the MSM to do its job by burying it.

Anonymous said...

Trump took a huge load. Then claimed they belonged to him. Then stated he declassified them all in his mind (ha ha), then did not return many of them till FBI got them.
compare if you will. Or dream on as you will

Anonymous said...

"huge load"

WH: "small amount"

Suddenly there are no document counts for comparison. Smells like damage control.
