Thursday, January 19, 2023

NATO Military Chiefs Meet In Brussels For Two Days Of Talks On How To Fight Russia

Anadolu Agency: 2-day meeting of NATO military chiefs begins in Brussels  

Evaluation of alliance's support to Ukraine tops agenda 

A two-day meeting of NATO military chiefs to discuss a variety of issues, including the alliance's support to Ukraine, started in Brussels on Wednesday. 

The session, which began after opening remarks by Adm. Rob Bauer, chair of the NATO Military Committee, and Mircea Geoana, NATO deputy secretary general, will be chaired by Bauer and attended by the allied military chiefs as well as their counterparts from invitees Finland and Sweden. 

"Unfortunately, we are seeing the dawn of a new era of collective defense. However, it is an era that NATO is ready for," Bauer said. "We have shown the world that we are capable of quickly scaling up our presence whenever and wherever necessary."  

Read more ....  

Update: NATO Chiefs of Defence meet in Brussels (NATO)  

WNU Editor: When this two-day meeting of NATO military chiefs is over later today (i.e. Thursday), the next big meeting will be a day later at the U.S. Ramstein Air Base in Germany .... Trans-Atlantic Rush of Meetings Ahead of Jan. 20 Ramstein Global NATO Defense Contact Group Summit (EIR). 

The main stream media is not giving the coverage of this meeting of NATO military chiefs that it deserves. You do not have this type of summit to discuss sending a few dozen tanks to Ukraine. You have this type of meeting to discuss waging war on a massive level. 

I hope I am wrong, but this Friday could be an inflection point for NATO's direct involvement in the Russia - Ukraine war. Their rhetoric certainly tells me that they are ready .... NATO warns of extended war in Ukraine, vows to be ready (AP).


RussInSoCal said...
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Anonymous said...

A case of the blind leading the blind in stead of everyone doing the utmost best to de escalate and instigate dialogue to start talking about an end to this war the exact opposite is happening hopefully EU citizens will not take the bait it is up to us to

fazman said...

The end will.happen when all ukranian territories are liberated, restitution paid

Anonymous said...


That is not going to happen, so I guess , according to you we will be at war for a long , long time.

To fully liberate the Ukraine, to include Crimea. You would have to completely defeat and subjugate the Russian state. Let me give you a hint.....aint going to happen.

I hate to say it , but when I read your statement I just started laughing.

Yea...The Russians are going to give all this up. And Pay money.......HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....Even if the US entered the war the US does not have enough manpower to take the Russian state.

Anyway, they would not do that unless they absolutely had to, I mean Russia would have would have to attack US main land targets before that happened.

But I know are not serious, are you?

Anonymous said...

7.11. No he's not serious. He just enjoys throwing ridiculous comments around so he and rest of his juvenile followers have something to snigger about together. Remember that he's on the other side of the world and believes he is safe and that his government will protect will him from any conflict.

Anonymous said...

Respect Fazman. You might not agree with him but he has a position and you have one too. That is what should be argued and not dumping crap on him by name calling.

My position: Russia invaded a nation at peace. Ukraine it seems will not give up the fight till it secures all its land prior to the invasion. You might not agree with that but then are you in the Ukraine as a citizen?

Anonymous said...


No and not going any time soon. The other side of the pie is...they made their bed, now they get to sleep in it.

Peace in this respect is debatable. I guess all those who died in the Donbas after 2014 were killed due to Unknown causes?

The other side is also this. the US was at "peace" then invaded Grenada. Was that wrong? How about Panama? Maybe you were thinking Iraq in 2003.

Anonymous said...

The NATO Military Chiefs of Defense Meetings are quite routine, happening every year or even meeting multiple times in a year. Many of which have lasted two days. So this really isn't exceptional. Needless to say none of these meetings have ever lead to war. Even without Russia's invasion of Ukraine, this meeting was going to be held. So WNU Editor's claim that the only reason to have such summits is to wage massive war is bizarre.

The entire agenda for this meeting is hosted online at the NATO website. The time allotted for Ukraine is about an hour - about equal to other topics like NATO's missions in Iraq and Kosovo.

BTW, my humble advice to WNU Editor is to not link to sites like a Lyndon Larouche group. They're nutcases. Larouchites are not creditable. But WNU Editor is increasingly linking to bizarre fringe groups to find people who support his own editorial stance.

None of the rhetoric coming out of the NATO summit should lead someone to think NATO is going to directly enter the war. That AP article merely states that since Russia has double downed and is preparing to fight a long war then NATO will thereby prepare for Russia being a long term threat. Actually sounds quite reasonable to me. Expect more of the same - aid to Ukraine and Europe taking its own defense seriously for the first time in decades, except quicker and larger.


fazman said...

As ridiculous as your just throw in the towel and accept it comments.

fazman said...

Exactly , No Crimea Willis likely not be returned, but does that mean the status quo should be formerly accepted ? No

Anonymous said...

I love wnu editor, but he also fills this page with daily mail articles so factual sites/info only comes in periodically