Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Netehrlands Will Send A Patriot Battery System To Ukraine

President Joe Biden meets with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Jan. 17, 2023.  

DW: Dutch PM vows Patriots to Ukraine during Biden meeting 

During a meeting with US President Joe Biden at the White House, Dutch PM Mark Rutte said the recent Russian attack in Dnipro strengthened his country's resolve even further to stand with Ukraine 

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has signaled his "intention" to follow the US and Germany's efforts to train and arm Ukraine with advanced Patriot missile defense systems. 

Rutte discussed his plans during a meeting with US President Joe Biden at the White House on Tuesday. "We have the intention to join what you are doing with Germany on the Patriot project," Rutte told Biden. 

"I think that it's important we join that," the Netherlands PM said. Rutte added that he had "discussed it also this morning" with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Biden thanked the Dutch PM for being "very very stalwart" in his support for Kyiv.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Dutch government considers sending Patriot missiles to Ukraine, PM says -- Politico  

Update #2: Netherlands Weighs Sending Patriot Air Defense System to Ukraine -- Bloomberg  

WNU Editor: No specifics have been released. But it looks like one battery will be sent to Ukraine in the coming months. US President Joe Biden and Dutch PM Mark Rutte also discussed restrictions on semiconductor exports to China .... No Progress on Netherlands Joining US Chip-Export Ban to China (VOA).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Canada pledges 200 armoured personnel carriers for Ukraine"

"Wednesday’s announcement is valued at over $90 million"

"The timetable for delivery has not yet been determined."

"The company’s website describes the Senator APC as being designed for “law enforcement and border patrol operations,” providing an advertised CEN 1063-standard armour level of B7 — capable of stopping most small arms up to a .30-06 armour-piercing round — and the highest available protection for civilian-grade armoured vehicles."