Friday, January 20, 2023

Palantir CEO: If You Do Not Support U.S. Military Work, ‘Don’t Work Here’


Defense Scoop: Palantir CEO to those who don't support U.S. military work: 'Don't work here' 

Palantir CEO Alex Karp reaffirmed his commitment to supporting the values of the West via his company’s algorithmic intelligence software on Wednesday, telling any current or prospective employees who don’t support that mission: “Don’t work here.” 

Asked by David Rubenstein, co-chairman of private equity firm the Carlyle Group, during an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, about the tension many major tech companies face from “left-leaning” employees when working with the U.S. military and others, Karp stood firmly by Palantir’s mission to support the West from adversaries, whether that’s terrorist cells or developed nations like Russia and China who threaten democracy. 

“We are not everyone’s cup of tea. We may not be your cup of tea,” Karp said. “To make society work, there are basic functions that have to work, one of which is the reduction of terrorism, pushing back on, in my view, human rights abuses largely done by adversaries to the West. You may not agree with that, and bless you. Don’t work here.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Palantir has been on my radar when I first heard what they are doing years ago. Palantir CEO Alex Karp is currently in Davos (see the above two videos).


Anonymous said...

In other news

President Biden is a confirmed 1 termer. He will not be allowed to run again.

President Biden is named in 2017 email discussing multi-million dollar gas deal with CHINA: Louisiana lawyer wrote to Joe's brother Jim saying 'I've arranged a call with the VP and his son Hunter to discuss the purchase'

Anonymous said...

Supporting any military, without question, is and always has been - proven by history - a recipe for disaster.

If my CEO told me that, I'd leave that very second.

We are free people, making our choices.
Goodbye, Palantir

Next time, perhaps don't ask for blind obedience towards an organisation that has caused SO MUCH death and misery around the World.

Anonymous said...

naive comments
Biden is hardly "out" at this point.

All the CEO is really saying is that most of his big money comes from govt work and therefore does not badmouth stuff that is done for the Pentagon.
If you made 200,000 per year working there you are hardly going to go on an anti-Pentagon rant in public. If you decided the company did bad things you would quit. Two choices.

Anonymous said...

I got interviewed by Palantir once, glad I didn't end up there

Back then it seemed attractive, but I had a good job, so I wasn't ready to make the move under the given terms

Anyways.. I'd leave in a heart beat if that's the pre-condition.

You should ALWAYS be able to question and challenge the military, if US or Israeli or Russian - I don't care. You have to be able to question wars, orders everything. If not, then count me out.

There is too much tyranny, false democracies and false capitalism already in this World, we do not need false patriotism on top. REAL patriots get to question, challenge and improve. All others are brown shirts who will do whatever they are told.

Just my opinion on this.

Anonymous said...

If you take a jobl there they simply do not expect you to go about badmouthing military contract. simple and to the point and yes it is a private firm and has that right
Now I have a bit of knowledge about that place, first hand, and most folks are hardly going to get a job offer from them in any case. In my state the local city where I live gets the majority of tax money from a place that gets lots of money for making a war item. Locals do not bad mouth the place even if they dislike what our military policy is.

As for the intruded Biden crap from tabloid: time to stop telling us what the Bidens have done that is going to get them executed. The FBI has not yet released any sirm materials on what is and what is not there or is even authentic. In sum: stop intruding your wet dreams upon those who prefer solid facts and evidence.

Anonymous said...

"time to stop telling us what the Bidens have done that is going to get them executed."

Never stopped you with Trump.

There is material evidence that Biden used his office to enrich his family while working with foreign nationals at that.

Anyone else would have been gone by now, but Joe has Democrat privilege.

Anonymous said...

1:14 is the former, retired. Who would have thunk that?

Anonymous said...

2: 14
fuck off
Joe had what when Trump ran the country?
Has Biden been indicted? has Trump?
no. not guilty until a jury says so.
You have evidence that others have not seen, so post it

Anonymous said...

is karps look achievable natty?

Anonymous said...

THE EVIDENCE IS AN EMAIL OF A HUNTER ASSOCIATE, which you would known if yui had read the garbage article.

You do not have to wait until a person is convicted by a jury.

Al Capone was a criminal starting in 1918/1919. He was not convicted until 1931. In the intervening years lots of people knew he was a criminal.

It is possible to know someone is a criminal before the courts get around to it if they ever do. But hey a person who cannot figure out the distinction between former and retired is not playing with a full deck.

The Garbage newspaper DM often out links to papers it gleaned information form at the bottom of the article, they are not made up of whole cloth like many SM stories are. I bet DM also has business dealing with the AP and Reuters to pay for information same as NYT and others.

Show us something in the article that you bad mouth as untrue and I will see if I can find it in a 'reputable' paper with good leftist creds.