Friday, January 20, 2023

Pentagon Orders US Forces In South Korea To Provide Equipment To Ukraine

An eight-wheeled U.S. Stryker combat vehicle rolls down a hill during a joint exercise with the South Korean Army`s TIGER Demonstration Brigade at the Mugeon-ri training ground in Paju, Gyeonggi Province, on Jan. 13, 2022. (Pool photo) (Yonhap)  

The Hill: US requests forces in South Korea provide equipment to Ukraine  

The Pentagon has requested that U.S. troops stationed in South Korea send equipment and supplies to Ukraine to support Kyiv in its war against Russia. 

U.S. Forces Korea (USFK), which has about 28,000 troops in South Korea, confirmed it would provide some equipment in a statement to The Hill on Thursday. 

 Col. Isaac Taylor, a USFK spokesperson, said the equipment transfer would not impact its operations in South Korea. “This has zero impact on our operations and our ability to execute on our ironclad commitment to the defense of our ally,” Taylor said.  

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WNU Editor: Talk about bad optics. It looks like the Pentagon is scrambling all around the world looking for ammo to send to Ukraine. 

Pentagon Orders US Forces In South Korea To Provide Equipment To Ukraine 

Pentagon asks U.S. Forces Korea to provide equipment for Ukraine -- Reuters  

US transfers artillery ammunution to Ukraine from depots in South Korea and Israel – NYT -- Euromaidan Press  

Pentagon requests USFK offer equipment to support Ukraine: official -- Yonhap News Agency  

Transfer of US munition stockpiles in S. Korea to Ukraine won’t affect readiness: Pentagon -- Korea Herald


RussInSoCal said...

And a nice propaganda gift to Kim Jong-un.

Anonymous said...

This is going to end bad

Anonymous said...

It is bad optics for the Russians.

They went to Korea first for ammo.

The US does not have 50 billion gazillion tanks in mothballs like the Russians. Not that those mothballed tanks have not been pilfered by the commanding officer on down.

Anonymous said...

The US took out 3,000 troops from Korea during the Iraq War. So this is nothing new.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should remodel and call themselves the square, because this is not thinking out side it.

Amp1776 said...

Its the Ron paul plan. Just ship everything to Ukraine.

Maybe Biden could buy some hardware from Afghanistan?

Anonymous said...

Now Youse Can't Leave!US is to go bankrupt talk about digging someone's hole......

Anonymous said...

Neither side can afford to lose this, too much already invested and at stake. The probability of a surface nuclear detonation is incredibly high and no one seems to even care

Anonymous said...

Who cares about a nuclear explosion. RasPutin should never have gone into another country like Hitler. I dare say the Hitler was smarter than RasPutin. Hitler actually could listen early on. Hitler got Sudentenland for free without a special military operation and got an international agreement agreeing to it. Putin got no such agreement for Donbas and Crimea. Sure it is a low bar, but Hitler was smarter than RasPutin is.

Mr Nobody said...


Is right. The US neocons have set this situation up nicely. It's goals are to paint the world into a box that no one can walk out of without facing dire internal consequences.
US and nato will look like idiots and weak to China and the world if they lose. They also fear that if the Russians succeed, that Russia will remain an obstacle in the way of their determination to dominate world culture with their progressive liberal lbgtq pedo philosophy.

The Russians? Failure means having NATO at your very doorstep and having your economy crushed by blood suckers and the spirit of your people destroyed.
Like the Yeltsin years but much much worse.

So now we are all stuck to see how the great game plays out.
Most likely 60/40 chance you will see limited nuke war
If it goes to full attack. You all in the west will not survive. Because the Russians are so great?

No you dolt, because of the "dead hand"

If that system is still up and running all you need is just 30 nukes to hit the US and it will be toast,
Just 30 out of hundreds possibly over 1000 in launch.

Anonymous said...

1:58, what the fck does Ron Paul have to do with it? Last I checked, Sloe Joe and his puppet masters are large and in charge.

Anonymous said...

I guess all that MSM projection and fake news about Russia smuggling millions of tons of Korean artillery shells thru Libya on the back on donkeys is finally put to rest then? Now we LOVE ammunition from the Korean peninsula. It's no longer an embarrassment, it's a mark of pride!

Anonymous said...

Lol goos one Sir!

Anonymous said...

What's on T.V. tonight?

Anonymous said...

And you've set a low bar in the rhetorical lambada

Anonymous said...

The guy's insane or something.

Anonymous said...

They make good ramen.

Anonymous said...

Meant to type "good one!"
I'm still hunt-and-peck, Sir!

Anonymous said...

Meant to type "rhetorical limbo." Auto-correct!