Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Picture Of The Day

Supporters of Brazil's former President Jair Bolsonaro demonstrate against President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, in Brasilia, Brazil, January 8. REUTERS/Antonio Cascio  

WNU Editor: The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... In pictures: Bolsonaro supporters storm Brazilian government buildings (Reuters).  

Update: Destruction after Brazil's state institutions attack (Reuters)


Anonymous said...

Without the army's support, the demonstrations have no chance to effect change. With the Army's support....the Left will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Same in every country.

The left cannot be defeated as long as they hold so many institutions, including media/news domination.

People will rush to their defence, even though they are the gangsters. People are so full on programmed to believe MSM. They say they don't , but to this day recount the lies they get dished out every day.

Until this ends, we will not be free people living in democracies. It's all BS.

Either end this corruption and fascism or see what your children inherit. Ruins.

Anonymous said...

The Trump mirror image lost in the election and, like Trumpians here, they try to overturn what the voters voted for. That is fascism. Get your story straight. No sure? look at those now serving time for Jan 6 in the US