Thursday, January 12, 2023

Poland And Lithuania To Send German-Made Leopard Tanks To Ukraine


Insider: Poland answered Kyiv's pleas for Western-made heavy armor with a plan to get battle tanks to Ukraine, and more could be on the way 

* Poland said on Wednesday that it plans to transfer Leopard tanks to Ukraine. 

* President Duda noted the move would need to happen as part of an "international coalition." 

* The UK also signaled it may send tanks to Kyiv. 

As NATO allies move to send armored fighting vehicles to Ukraine so it can fend off Russia's assault, Poland and the UK have signaled they could send Kyiv a big item on its wishlist — tanks.  

Speaking in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv on Wednesday, Polish President Andrzej Duda said that "a company of Leopard tanks for Ukraine will be handed over" as part of an international coalition, adding that "such a decision is already in Poland."   

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WNU Editor: This will now open the floodgates for other NATO members to send Ukraine tanks. 

Poland To Send German-Made Leopard Tanks To Ukraine  

Ukraine war: Poland to send Kyiv 'a company of Leopards' and six other top developments -- Euronews  

Poland to send Leopard tanks to Ukraine, if others do, too -- AP  

Poland Is Ready To Send Leopard 2 Tanks To Ukraine -- Warzone/The Drive


GUS said...

A Polish tank company is about 14 vehicles. The British are talking about sending 10 vehicles. A battalion (usually four companies) may total as many as 60 vehicles. Ukraine started the war with perhaps 1,800 tanks. Reports of losses vary.

The numbers being mentioned are still basically too few to make a difference.

Anonymous said...

I have a dream that the crews were already trained and we will see these in action forewith. Everything counts especially at the beginning when they can have a huge impact. I hope the Germans don't start navel gazing over approvals.

fazman said...

Lithuania and rest of Europe will start contributing too once the political will is there. The U.S can also provide upgrades m60 which are no joke either and suited to the conditions. Even 40 Leo 2 /challengers can make a big difference when used Co Central edit. Expect 30 to 1 kills like 91 with there fire control and thermals.