Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Prince Harry Denies He 'Boasted' About Killing 25 Taliban Fighters

Daily Mail: Prince Harry denies he 'boasted' about killing 25 Taliban fighters in explosive memoir Spare - and blames critics for 'spinning' his words and putting his 'family in danger' in trailer for late night interview with Stephen Colbert 

* Harry, 38, is set to appear on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert tonight, having pre-taped his interview in New York City on Monday evening  

* A teaser clip released by the CBS show saw him railing against people who he says have put a 'dangerous spin' on excerpts from his memoir Spare  

* Harry revealed in the explosive book that he killed 25 Taliban in Afghanistan  

* His revelation drew furious criticism from military veterans and politicians, who warned that Harry has 'undermined his own security' 

* Former British Army commander Colonel Richard Kemp accused the Duke of trying to 'distort' the truth with his descriptions of the Taliban   

 Prince Harry has furiously slammed down accusations that he 'boasted' about killing 25 Taliban fighters in his explosive memoir Spare - while accusing his critics of 'spinning' his words and spouting 'lies' about the revelation, which he says have put his family 'in danger'.  

The 38-year-old vehemently defended his decision to share the information as he sat down for an interview with The Late Show host Stephen Colbert - a pre-taped chat that was recorded on Monday night and is due to be aired in full this evening.  

In a teaser clip for what will no doubt be another bombshell TV tell-all, Harry hit back at accusations that he 'undermined his own security' by writing about his Taliban kills, while blaming his critics for spreading 'dangerous lies' and 'spinning his words'.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: He is now in damage control. People magazine just published an interview with Prince Harry in which he justified his decision to share his kill count, saying it was part of his own personal 'healing'. 


Anonymous said...

If you go to the liar and twit Colbert, to "explain" and "correct the record", I know you are full of shit

Why would you go to one of the biggest assholes who disgraced himself publicly for a decade, to "explain things"

lol Colbert is an operative who talked millions into taking untested, unsafe drugs AND tried to make everyone who resisted this programming feel bad, and tried to get them oustered from society.

FUCK Colbert and any of his guests. This show is pure garbage and hurt our culture, people and national health.

Anonymous said...

This dude Harry not very smart bubblegum for the brain

Anonymous said...

What a sniveling privileged piece of shite. Go back to Britain douche and take your wife with you.

Anonymous said...

He's engaged in a court case to reobtain personal protection from Scotland Yard for him & his family. This could be a ploy to obtain free protection at tax payers expense. It could be the excuse for him & his wife to be taken out by the secret state in Britain & then blame AQ or ISIS if he & his wife are considered threats to the monarchy or the realm. I wouldn't drive past any grassy knolls in open topped cars if I were them. Keep ducking...

Anonymous said...

Maybe a softball interview with Al Jazeera would've been more impactful if he's worried about retribution. Don't know if too many devout muslims are gobbling up Colbert's nightly goyslop.

Anonymous said...

What are we upset about this time?

Dave Goldstein said...

25? is that all? come on. drone operators kill more than that every day

Anonymous said...

The ghost of kiev blinks and 100 orcs vanish in a pink mist.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree, and the Daily Show was funnier with Craig Kilborn. (Although at least even his replacement John Stewart is a Covid-19 truth-teller wrt lab origin, Fauci-skepticism, etc).