Monday, January 9, 2023

Pushback From The Media On Republican Efforts To Investigate The Biden Family


News Busters: James Comer SCHOOLS Chuck Todd on Importance of Hunter Investigation 

On Sunday's Meet the Press, moderator, and Democrat activist Chuck Todd whined to House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer that the necessary oversight that Comer and his committee will be conducting will look "more partisan than professional." Comer proceeded to take Todd to school about how that is far from the case.  

"You're going to do a lot of oversight, a lot of subpoenas, many people look at what you're doing, and they see that it looks more partisan than professional," Todd asked Comer. "Tell me how you're going to try to departisanize an investigation, or do you expect it to be partisan?" Todd continued. This gave Comer an opening to take it to Todd and explain why the Biden administration needs to be investigated:   

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WNU Editor: Why is Chuck Todd so concerned about a Congressional investigation of the Biden family on corruption? He should be all for it if he is really concerned about corruption. 

Here is an easy prediction. Expect even more media blow-back when Congressional committees start their hearings in the coming months. We have seen nothing yet.


Hans Persson said...

All those who are arguing against this is corrupted. Very easy now to see.

Anonymous said...

Republicans Remove Capitol Metal Detectors Erected After Jan. 6 Riots

next: dump ethics oversight

Anonymous said...

The Dems will howl and their controlled media will declare war on the investigators, but in reality nothing pleases them more than another battle in the culture war to occupy all the pleb's brains while the plunder of the treasury continues.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Faux News sound byte posturing. This shit won't attract any mainstream voters.

Anonymous said...

Fox news became controlled opposition a few years back. Please try to keep up. For you i suggest a souped up hoveround.

No one elected the media. Many are a bunch of liars working for the Democrat party.

You do not need metal detectors if you are loved.

Anonymous said...

what does that dumb statement mean?

any and all can simply go into the building because some inside may be loved?

schools have them. airports have them.
all govt buildings have them. But this one building should be exempt?
wow. how frigging stupid can they get

Anonymous said...

Local courthouse has them. I don't like it. It shows what a shitty society we have.

Metal detectors would not have stopped Jan 6th.

Two things would have:

One, the National Guard troops troop offered to Pelosi

Two, the FBI not instigating a riot. Ray Epss was ne of the FBI;'s plants. He is on film urging people to go in. Worse he assaulted police officers and other people got charged for his crime. Ray Epps throw a sign at officers and other people got charged. where is the fairness in that?

Another thing is metal detectors are one of you last two lines of defense. Intel would be one of the first.

But there is not a lot on intelligence in the US. An Iranian took out a power plant the power plant powers a major portion of Las Vegas. It will be down it is said for 1 to 2 years. The guy spent around $30,000 to take out the plant. What is being done about it? Not much.

Anonymous said...

Like turning on the lights in a kitchen full of cockroaches

Anonymous said...

If you do not think metal detectors helpful, do you think public schools do not need them? and if they do, why not a place that is already known to have been breached by issurectionists.
Yes this and that all helps. But any additional item that can help also helps during a day when the attempt to overturn an election does not take place. After all, how many years does a president get sworn in?
District of Columbia officials knew of the planned protests and had requested some assistance when the "First Amendment demonstrations" were planned for Jan. 5 and 6, McCarthy said. Based on this request, officials called up 340 National Guardsmen to help. The Guardsmen were assigned mainly to traffic control, Metro crowd control, some logistics support and a 40-member quick reaction force to be based at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland.

"No other requests were made," the Army secretary said.

But the protests turned into a mob rioting through the halls, chambers and offices of the U.S. Capitol. At around 2 p.m., D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser requested more assistance. Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller immediately called up 1,100 members of the D.C. National Guard.

Anonymous said...

if you can not get reality straight, why argue with you?

Ray Epps Jan. 6 Conspiracy Theory Undercut by New Evidence

Anonymous said...

Metal Detectors are not the end all be all also the DC HoR was just one of many that were breached. But those others were breach by Democrats so we don't want to talk about it. A Democrat city councilor in Seattle literal used her keys to open the city admin to Antifa. When Harvey Milk was killed the fireman avoided the metal detectors. He crawled through a window.

General Milley stood by as insurrection was going outside the grounds of the White House. General Milley stood by while a church across for the White House was torched. They were thinking about evacuating the US President form the White House.

Probably the time General Milley began reading White Fragility. The fat coot probably thought if the insurrectionist breach the white House and he was caught, they would spare his life if he had a CRT book in his hands.

Dumbshit 1:48 talks about 1,000 National Guardsmen after the fact. Trump was wanting to provide Pelosi with 10 times that many before Jan 6th.

And 1:48 made no mention of Ray Epps, because he has no good excuse.

Anonymous said...

Dumbshit Ray Epps was at the capital.

Ray Epps is on vide telling people to enter the capital

Ray Epps is filmed assaulting police men.

No amount of New York Slime articles or slon or Vox or The Guardian or Washington Compost will change those videos.