Saturday, January 14, 2023

Record Waves Of Avian Influenza Is Setting Off Alarms That It Will Spread In The Human Population

Micrograph of avian influenza, also known as bird flu (Credit: CDC/F.A. Murphy)  

The Guardian: ‘Pandemic potential’: bird flu outbreaks fuelling chance of human spillover  

Experts say record waves of avian influenza have been setting off alarms, with fears virus could adapt to spread among people 

Multiple waves of avian influenza have left a trail of devastation across the globe, leading to the deaths and culling of more than 300 million chickens, ducks and geese and an unknown number of wild birds between 2005 and 2021. 

Today, with parts of Europe and North America in the midst of the worst outbreak on record, a global cohort of researchers is keeping cautious watch amid concerns about the impact the disease could have on humans. 

“There is concern about it having pandemic potential,” says Wendy Blay Puryear, a molecular virologist at Tufts University. “Before Covid was on anybody’s radar, this was the one that we were all watching very closely.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This avian flu spread is getting more and more frightening and it is being under-reported. Cases of bird flu transmission to humans are already being reported in China .... China Confirms Another Bird Flu Case (Precision Vaccinations), and in Ecuador .... Ecuador confirms first human bird flu infection in 9-year-old girl (Reuters). More here .... Ecuador reports South America’s 1st human case of bird flu (BNO News).


Anonymous said...

More fear-mongering bullshit for the gullible and cowardly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Big Pharma will soon be running the world.

Anonymous said...

Pareto's rule 80%or more are the gullible unfortunately

Anonymous said...

science and experts say something. Know Nothings dismiss it.

Anonymous said...

^ I remember passing a butcher shop in South America, which had a humid subtropical climate. We passed a butcher shop, which had a few dozen or maybe 50 or more plucked and beheaded chickens hanging for display. The old man got quite agitated. He was afraid of respiratory diseases. I guess the transmission between avian and humans was well known in those, who grew up in rural communities. City slickers not so much.

Note to Fred Lapides:

You do get bad people in science and they can harm you from ignorance or for profit.

CDC and FDA say they're investigating possible link between Pfizer's bivalent Covid booster and strokes in seniors over age of 65 — but officials have 'no concerns at this time'

It has been noted in alternate media that Mitch McConnell just had $1 million dollars dumped in him by Pfizer. You have to wonder how much other money they are spreading around.

How many scientists were involved in pushing out COVID Not researching but pushing?

Just remember this will come out. They cannot harmonize the spin cycles in Wester Europe North America and East Asia.

Denmark for example does not recommend the COVI vaccine for those under 55. With excess deaths, lawsuits and news from studies elsewhere around the world, this will blow back on Fauci, the Democrat party and others.

Science is like diplomacy. You can trust, but you should verify. No matter you profession or trade, blue collar or white collar, you got to keep up on science or some scientists will lie, they will go Lysenko on you and it can happen here. It is happening here.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, you get your 18th covid shot yet? Remember how easily it is to control the population by using fear tactics and manipulation. They will fall for this bull ish guaranteed once it's faci approved. Don't forget to wear 10 mask for extra protection.

fred said...

I fully undlerstand that one should be careful in what is said to be true and what is actually true. Example: the FDA is 50E% funded by the pharmaceutical industry and that industry is the largest of all lobby groups in DC.
that said: science often corrects earlier findings, ideas, but that is not just good but helpful for the public.
A rather simple test: do a search where most deaths have taken place in our nation from covid and note the pattern: those fully getting the vacine and booster by far stay healthy and alive compared to those not getting the suggested shots.
Of course the eldery and ill are prone to more serious consequences even with the shots. I am over 80 and have had the covid twice thujs far. Guess what ? I am fine and exercise and enjoy activities.
We also know now that some people seem to have a genetic makeup that s helps protect them from the virus.. in the same way that some heavy smokers do not get lung cancer while non smoker might get it from second had fumes.
My view in brief: it is like wearing a rubber. It may not always protect you but the chances are much better than not waring one, unless of course you want to be a father.
I am not here then to argue with you. You do what you feel you is right for you. I had some eye surgery two days ago. The doctor had a very big needle and said in advance: this is going to hurt. SHe WAS RIGHT. Why did she tell me in advance it would hurt (three jabs on each side of the eye_? Because it was smarter to scare me a bit than have me suddenly feel a sharp pain and flail about causing damage.
Trust the professional but evaluate.
Had terrible back pain, went to orthopedic guy. He showed me the scans and said 4 bad discs, and, oh, yes, white stuff on exray but don't worry about that. My GP? wait a minute. That white stuff not supposed to be there.Go to oncologist. Yep. Lymphoma but caught early-thanks doc!--and have now been clear for two years.

Anonymous said...

"that said: science often corrects earlier findings, ideas, but that is not just good but helpful for the public."

Correcting a study with a improved study does not kill people.

Forcing people to be vaxed or lose you job does harm people when the studies are crap. So you run another study later to correct the 1st study. Does the help the person who lost their job or ,suffered injury or died?

I hold you in the lowest disregard.

Mr. Nobody said...


In many ways I never agree with you. But I hope you get better soon.

Getting old is frustrating. But remember the words of a wise man:

When you are young it is easy. ...... It takes a real man to get old.
Mr. Nobody. :)

Anonymous said...

"Of course the eldery and ill are prone to more serious consequences even with the shots. I am over 80 and have had the covid twice thujs far. Guess what ? I am fine and exercise and enjoy activities."

Which means you are out of date according to Fauci standards. After 5 months they were saying last year that gave a person 20% to 40% residual effectiveness, I have heard PSA's or commercials from Pharma that if it has been 2 months since you last vax, you should schedule a new one. Is it really a vaccine if you have to renew it every 2 or 3 months?

You are fine? The death toll were among people who were expectant anyway.

Fifty-three percent of nursing home residents in the study died within six months. Men died after an average stay of three months, while women died after an average stay of eight months. Before death, men spent an average of 790 days and women 1250 days in the corresponding nursing home.

Literally if you are in a nursing home, you will usually die within a year. It does not help if Democrat governors push COVID patients who a still shedding virus into the home.

Democrats spent a lot of money, nonetheless nursing homes are just as crappy as ever.

My governor spent large chunks of COVID money to pay down state government debt. Now the state government is debt free, but the federal government has more debt. That Democrat governor thinks he is a genius. He is a liar.

You are fine because:

1) Not obese
2) Do not have hypertension.
3) can pass the sit stand test.
4) are not diabetic

You are at higher risk due to age, but you are otherwise fit (at least that is what you have self reported).

You also fine because you have limited contact or can choose to have limited contact. All you really need to do is get groceries. Your spouse probably does that. You mere 2 vaxes have had little to do with you being fine.

Anonymous said...

"Had terrible back pain, went to orthopedic guy. He showed me the scans and said 4 bad discs, and, oh, yes, white stuff on exray[sic] but don't worry about that. "

The orthopedic doctor may have looked at your age and figured given life expectancy that you had lived long enough.

Maybe he went Ezekiel Emanuel on you?

How do you feel about that?


Obama to Seniors: Take Two Aspirin and Call Me When You’re Dead

Seriously how do you know that the orthopedic guy was not practicing AGE BASED PRIORITY instead of an "Oopsies, my mistake".

Anonymous said...

"I am not here then to argue with you"

Of course not.

you know what you know and you know that you are right.

Very little upstairs, but you know that you are right.

I always take it that someone, who could not read until a junior or senior in high school has both oars in the water. Really makes me wonder about the efficacy of colleges.

Anonymous said...

"My view in brief: it is like wearing a rubber. It may not always protect you but the chances are much better than not waring one, unless of course you want to be a father."

Most every analogy breaks down when take to far.

You can wear a gas mask thinking it will save you. Consider those damn 'silicosis' lawsuits.

Anonymous said...

"We also know now that some people seem to have a genetic makeup that s helps protect them from the virus.. in the same way that some heavy smokers do not get lung cancer while non smoker might get it from second had fumes"

We are past people regaling us with those tales. About 1/7th of people will get cancer if they smoke due to genetic disposition. Not convinced about the second smoke allegations. I view those as more Soup NAZISM by control freaks.

fred said...

Study: More Than 12% of People Newly Diagnosed with Lung Cancer Never Smoked Cigarettes

note: do go out. I go to gym at least three times a week and I go to exercise class twice a week and I shop with wife for groceries and I belong to a discussion group that meets bi-weekly
and I had Covid twice with very little impact.

Anonymous said...

The death rates from Covid in red America and blue America are growing further apart

Anonymous said...

"and I had Covid twice with very little impact."

Is that due to the shot or your general health as a result of diet, exercise & sleep?

"The Math of Ending the Pandemic: Exponential Growth and Decay" - NYT

Epidemic can be graphed by the exponential function. I am wondering, if vaccine effectiveness can be too. Why is that important?

Because it would show that your handling of the corona infection had more to do with your lifestyle or overall health than the vax.

Anonymous said...

Alabama is a red state. It could have a higher than average death rate from COVID.

I can literally pick out, where African Americans are the majority in Alabama from election returns. It is a belt across south central Alabama. It is where the plantations were. I also hear tell that there is a diabetes crisis in the Deep South.

Where COVID deaths are the highest, diabetes is the highest and people vote Democratic are probably all the same place in Alabama (a red state). There are a helluvva a lot of obese white people in those states too.

Is the higher COVID death rate due to vax or not vax or is it due to diabetes and its underlying cause of obesity?

You choose you cause and effect based on correlation of state wide voting and COVOD. You are not considering looking at the county level or metropolitan statistical area?

I would bet you $1,000 that diabetes prevalence on a county level is a better predictor (R^2) for COVID deaths than just looking at the 50 states by who holds the governorship.

Anonymous said...

"According to a 2017 report, the CDC found South Carolina’s percentage of adults (18 or older) diagnosed with diabetes to be 10.5 percent. The national median was 9.1 percent."

So South Carolina is a red state.

We hear tell that red states have a higher incidence of COVID deaths.

Is it because SC is a red state or their have a higher prevalence of diabetes/obesity?

Anonymous said...

County-Level "Diabetes Belt" Carves a Swath through U.S. South

It is possible to compute statistics at the country level.

When you summarize information information you lose some of it.

Summarizing at the state level not only loses information, but it allows people to lie.

State numbers have long been misleading, says Ali Mokdad, who works at the University of Washington School of Medicine's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) in Seattle and was not involved in the new study."

fred said...

I referrewds to death certificates that listed cause of death as Covid. Those death listings could in fact reveal underlying issues such as old age; overweight etc. But it was covid that brought about the death.
as for diabetes in south Carolina: there is a saying that in S.C. gravy is considered a beverage.
S.C. was till very recently considered a Red state. It might in recent times turn purple but it is not considered a Blue state as yet

Anonymous said...

If as said above one might die of diabetes then it is helpful to know that covid can cause diabetes:

Along with the pneumonia, blood clots, and other serious health concerns caused by SARS-CoV-2, the COVID-19 virus, some studies have also identified another troubling connection. Some people can develop diabetes after an acute COVID-19 infection. What’s going on? Two new NIH-supported studies, now available as pre-proofs in the journal Cell Metabolism [1,2], help to answer this important question, confirming that SARS-CoV-2 can target and impair the body’s insulin-producing cells.

Anonymous said...

"I referrewds to death certificates that listed cause of death as Covid. Those death listings could in fact reveal underlying issues such as old age; overweight etc. But it was covid that brought about the death."

COVID was the final nail in the coffin. Most of those people were well along the glide path to death.

If the average stay in a nursing home is five months until death, then if they catch COVID and die, is that a shocker?

What I really see in you Fred is that you do not have a second career in reliability engineering nor electrical engineering. Maybe you could get a job a engineer in Russia designing Ladas?

Anonymous said...

Nothing to worry about!

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a building boom in labs. Since the pandemic began, nine countries have announced the construction of 12 new BSL-4 labs. (Biosafety levels range from one to four.) For five of these countries, the labs would be their first maximum-containment facilities. Governments saw in the pandemic a justification for the large investment BSL-4 labs require, Koblentz speculated. The labs are important to research on diseases like Ebola, and a country might want to have one of them to stay ahead of the next emerging disease threat. Plus, Koblentz said, they also are a status symbol.

“Countries also want the prestige of having a BSL-4 lab, which is more common than it used to be but still not that common,” Koblentz said. “And there’s also probably some bureaucratic politics and scientists who just want the new shiny toy, and so this is their time to get that.”

The team found a total of 69 BSL-4 labs in use or under development, 10 more than Koblentz and Lentzos found when they released the first version of their study in 2021.

It’s not just the most secure labs that are proliferating. While BSL-4 labs are reserved for experiments involving the gnarliest germs, another group of high-end research facility has been proliferating, as well. BSL-3+ or “enhanced” labs are billed as having a higher level of biosafety than BSL-3 facilities. Koblentz and Lentzos added these labs to the most recent update to their project, finding at least 55 such facilities. BSL-3+ labs, Koblentz said, work on pathogens such as the 1918 influenza strain that killed some 50 million people or highly pathogenic avian influenza.

Anonymous said...

Fred you would make a very good old style Alzheimer research attack plaque tangles for 30 years and publish papers and establishing protocols that do not slow the progression of the disease on bit. That is your speed.

Anonymous said...

thanks for your suggestion. Will you recommend me to your science colleagues?

Anonymous said...

ps--if you sare up on the most recent studies, you would know that yes there is a connection to plaque but not what has been thought up till now.

UC study: Decreased proteins, not amyloid plaques, tied to Alzheimer’s disease
Research on patients with mutations published in Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

Anonymous said...

Despite risk-management gaps, countries press ahead with new labs that study deadly pathogens
By Matt Field | January 5, 2023

Matt Field is editor, biosecurity at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Before joining the Bulletin, he covered the White House, Congress, and presidential campaigns as a news producer for Japanese public television. He has also reported for print outlets in the Midwest and on the East Coast. He holds a master's degree in journalism from Northwestern University.

"He's going vertical." Maverick Top in Gun movie

Someone here just went all passive aggressive with copy and paste with no attribution or links.

Anonymous said...

No shit sherlock. Going after the plaques is treating the symptom not the cause. The cause is either a wind down of segments of cellular machinery due to old age or an infection.

One article said the progression of Alzheimer was geometric. I got to find that article again and read it closer. why geometric and not exponential? Immune system acting as a break. That is the immune system is losing the war but having a retarding effect on the spread of an infection.

Anonymous said...

you are like a schoolyard bully except you use words.
most recent thinking is that yes plaque involved but it is the proteins associated that might really be closer to the cause.
now instead of looking to show how superior and clever you are just settle down and try to act in a decent manner and stop putting people down.
All I have done here is to give you the most recent (this week) thinking on the issue. And yes, we are still a long way off and yes it will be science that will discover causes and possible cures. And yes: science works on covid too.

Anonymous said...

I am extremely disappointed n some one, who would support lockdowns, mandatory vax and mandatory masking for the common cold.

From wiki

1) Under normal circumstances, the average adult gets two to three colds a year, while the average child may get six to eight.

2) Infections occur more commonly during the winter.

3) These infections have existed throughout human history.

4) The most commonly implicated is a rhinovirus (30–80%), a type of picornavirus with 99 known serotypes.

4a) Other commonly implicated viruses include human coronaviruses (≈ 15%).

If there is anything novel about the corona virus called COVID it is that it is came out a BSL-4 lab and was a little stronger (an uptick in mortality) than past corona viruses in living history.

If we dig up people who died of pneumonia or cold in the region of the arctic circle and test them for more than influenza, we shall see they also had ESV and corona also.

Nothing new under the sun.

What is new at least for American politics is the Democrats demanded lockdowns to tank the economy to seize power. That is very novel.

It is the same trick Democrats are using to ban gas stoves. They say it is to reduce asthma, but they are doing it for the Global Warming religion.

Personally, I have an electric stove. It is easier to clean and I was afraid the spuuse leaving a towels near the stove. butt for predictable cooking I think the next stove will be gas. I should have the choice and not have some GOD DAMN Democrats shove choices down my throat.

Most recent thinking on the issue.

- It is not like I do not look at science stories every day courtesy of RCS or DM.
- Just between you and me and a tree, It is hard to read more than 2 paragraphs of those science articles if you don't know statistics.