Friday, January 27, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War: Military Summary And Analysis For 27.1.2023 (Video)


WNU Editor: A lot updates on the Russia - Ukraine war from the Military Summary channel. Alexander Mercouris gives his update on the war below. 


Anonymous said...

It occurs to me that Russia might be increasing attacks and trying to destroy Ukraine's infrastucture BEFORE proposed Europe and u.s. equipment arrives, hoping to end things before that point, or at least turn as much of Ukraine into wasteland that the equipment shipments will be of as little use to them as possible

Anonymous said...

What is it with WNU and chest thumping? Seriously it is embarrassing. I am embarrassed for you WNU.

The Russians have been at it for 3 or so months. If or when the get it, what will be the relative kill ratios and will it by a catastrophic collapse of the front?

The Russian offensive in Zaporizhzhia of the last 2 weeks seems to have been hype or Russian disinformation.

Anonymous said...

What’s with your trolling of the editor? Don’t shoot the messenger. If you don’t like the news and opinions, go back to your liberal safe spaces of CNN and CBC.

Anonymous said...

there are liberal sites and conservative sites and those that claim or seem to be reasonably clear of bias. To bad mouth certain places simply mean you feel more at home in the place(s) where you hang out and resent remarks that go against your beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Waaaaaaaaah feed me more we're winning propaganda!!

Anonymous said...

Did I say that the RUZZIANS would not get Vuhedar? I did not.

What is my issue with WNU? Simply this. WNU has since late fall through winter has been saying that the Russians are going get Bakhmut and implying that the whole front will collapse and/or severely threaten Kamatosk and disrupt supplies because Bakhmut is a major road junction a la Bastogne or something yada yada yada.

Pro Tip: Bakhmut is not a road junction anymore. It won't be one until one side or the other pushes the front 20 miles in their favor. To keep implying that it is now merely shows that the person has the chops to be a WH spox.

When you take a very small city like Soledar or a village like Vuhedar and it takes you 2 or 3 months and then the front goes static again, it is not very convincing that things are collapsing.

You can make the attrition argument and that one is in Ruzzia's favor. However that argument takes a major hit although not down and out when Ruzzia has more and more mobilizations. If attrition rate is so much in you favor due to kill ratio and you started out with way more men, why would you need call up after call up? Makes no sense.

So I did not say Ruzzia would not win there, but what I sense is a lot propaganda or jingoistic nationalism.

Anonymous said...

Based on these channels luckily not a single russian is being killed on the battlefield! Lol