Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Russian Commander Explains How His Team Seized The Town Of Soledar And Its Salt Mines

WNU Editor: I was surprised to see this report. It is not often that Russian TV has a front-line commander on TV discussing operations. I think this is also the first time that they have someone from the Wagnar Group talking about the war. 

But what is not said are the astronomical casualty numbers from this operation. From the reports, pictures, and videos that I have seen on Telegram channels. Sighhh .... I could be wrong. Correction. I hope I am wrong. But it looks like thousands of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers were killed or wounded in this battle.


fazman said...

And the battle is still ongoing

Anonymous said...

Thousands of Russians soldiers died and that is why they are recruiting in Serbia?

"Serbian President Alexander Vucic called on the Wagner Group to cease recruitment in Serbia."

Russia is 3X bigger than Ukraine and the Russians have to recruit in Serbia. Sad

On top of that Serbia is a Russian ally and they said "no mΓ‘s."

Anonymous said...

double copium

Anonymous said...

Likely far more Russians than Ukrainians, though I am sure Ukrainian casualties are still substantial. The prisoners Wagner has recruited are being thrown away. It's like the old penal battalions of the Soviet Union. No one cares if they live. What's the likelihood many more prisoners will enlist? It's one thing when the war is fairly new, and you think it's a good shot to be free. But now the truth is out, and I would not be surprised that recruitment will dwindle.


Anonymous said...

A good Commie is a dead Commie ..... Russia has never kept ANY of their treaties except ONLY when the Czar of Russia was in power !!!

Anonymous said...

Why have a second wave of mobilization, if the war is going well? One is expected to be announced soon.

a) Need them for (expected) occupation
b) You took horrendous losses.

Putin is expected to make an annoubncement today. Declaring victory?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well they are keeping this promise

Anonymous said...

Serbia us home to a kind of soldier not available in Russia in recruitable numbers: werewolves.