Sunday, January 22, 2023

Russian Hardliners Want The Military To Shoot Down US Drones Operating Near Crimea

Image from the flight tracking website that showed the RQ-4B Global Hawk  

EurAsian Times: NATO’s ‘Notorious’ RQ-4B Global Hawk Again Spotted Near Crimea; Hardliners Slam Restraint, Demand Hitting UAV 

A US RQ-4B Global Hawk UAV (tail number 10-2045) was reportedly spotted in the Black Sea, south of Crimea, for reconnaissance, data from a live flight tracking website confirmed. 

Russian observers have long claimed that the reconnaissance drone is often used for collecting targeting data for Ukrainian UAV strikes in Crimea, which was annexed by Russia in 2014 and subsequently voted to be with the country in a referendum the same year. 

Most importantly, the drone’s US operators aim to study Russian air defense processes, including the reaction time, the frequencies of the radars, and their location with the UAV’s help, Russian defense observers have claimed.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Russian observers have noticed that every time there was a major missile strike on Crimea, a US RQ-4B Global Hawk was nearby. That was the case at the end of December .... US drone observed explosions in Sevastopol, occupied Crimea (Euromaidan Press), and in October .... Did Ukraine use American RQ-4B Global Hawk Drone in Sevastopol strike? (Times Now News).


Anonymous said...

Yeah well suck on it.

Royce Williams and his wingman engaged 7 Russian pilots during the Korean war. They shot down 4 of them. Things have not changed since then. There were Russian equipment and personnel in Vietnam during the War.

In Gulf War II the Russians sold jammers to Saddam Hussein. It caused collateral damage as bombs went off course, which Saddam and other capitalized on.

Russians attacked Kurdish forces knowing American were embedded with the Kurds. So cry me a river.

Think of Royce Williams. He is outgunned by the Russians 3.5 to 1 and the Russians end up with 57% losses. The Americans 0%. It is probably how the war in Ukraine is going. The Russians probably have 3 losses for every Ukrainians.

Anonymous said...

Let me change that for you , bright eyes... Different times, different world

That was the Soviets. Can you say SOO VEEE Ettts. or is that beyond your IQ level?

. you know, all your good commie buddies like Joe Stalin who was Georgian, Khrushchev who was Ukrainian and Brezhnev who also was UKRAINIAN.

Those who can't tell the difference are either blind or willfully having a cognitive dissonance moment.

Putin is not Brezhnev and Biden is definitely not Reagan or Eisenhower.

and I think you got the bad end of the deal on the current leadership switch.

Anonymous said...

a comment casually notes what is a fact pretty much concealed from American public in order not to widen the Korean war. Russians planes and pilots involved! and we thought only North Koreans and Chinese.

US pilot shot down four Soviet MiGs in 30 minutes -- and kept in a secret for 50 years |

Anonymous said...


Pro Tip: Russia was the engine that pulled that train (USSR).

Sure you have some Georgian and a few others, but the ruling class of the USSR looked awfully male, awfully white and very Russian.

You do not get to shed you always get to shed your baggage because the government changes.

The people who worked for the old regime (USSR) like Putin work or run the new regime.

Anonymous said...

Russians were the main factor?

History says otherwise.. Trotsky Ukrainian, Krushchev, Ukrainian, Brezhnev Ukrainian, Dzerzhinsky Polish,
Kaganovich, Ukrainian and many many more.

And of course they were white, what did you think, Japanese? Male yes, of course, so was the US at the Time you idiot.

If Russian was so powerful why was the Ukraine the most prosperous state in the USSR?

Anyway this whole thought line is off base. You trying to link the current Russian State to the former Soviet Union is bullshit.

What you are doing is trying to say they are somehow a continuation of each other. That is a blatant lie.

The USSR was a communist state and functioned under communist principles and promoted communist revolution around the world. The Current Russian regime does not fit that mode.

Super Bullshit Your words.....

"You do not get to shed you always get to shed your baggage because the government changes".

Tell that to any country who has had a revolution: China 1948, Romania, Germany, .....Any country in history who has had a complete change of government would call you an idiot.

Anonymous said...


You typed out a salted list not a random sample. So your list is bullshit. Your lit or sample was obscenely small and you had to got back a complete century.

In 1991 every people that could left the USSR. If there had not been ethnocentrism to a great enough extent, when people diced the economic system needed to be scrapped, they would have remained part of the core. Instead states like Kazakhstan went their own way.

USSR about 1989 was 50.8% Russian,

but the politburo?

"The 12-man Soviet Politburo includes nine ethnic Russians, one Ukrainian, one Byelorussian (economic chief Nikolai Slyunkov) and a Georgian (Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze). "


Anonymous said...

1:49 needs a good cry.

Ethnic Slavs dominated the Politburo from its establishment in 1919.[32] This isn't surprising, since the three most populous republics within the Soviet Union were ethnic Slavic; Byelorussia, Ukraine and Russia.[32] From 1919 until 1991, 89 members of the Politburo were Russians (which makes up 68 percent).[33] In distant second were Ukrainians, who had 11 members in the Politburo, making up 8 percent.[32] In third place are both ethnic Jews and Georgians, who had 4 members respectively.[32] In general, in the first half of the Politburo's existence, there was a higher ethnic representation than the second half.[32] It was not until the 28th Politburo that every republic had a representative at the Politburo.[34] The Politburo never tried to fix the ethnic imbalance within the Politburo. Instead, the Soviet Union at the central level was mostly ruled by Russians.[35]

Anonymous said...

One little-discussed reason for Putin’s obsession with conquering Ukraine is his desperate need to acquire more ethnic Russians to keep Russia Russian. The 2020 Russian census showed that the percentage of ethnic Russians had declined from 77.78 percent to 71.7 percent since 2010, even though it defined the two million Ukrainians (many ethnic Russians or Tatars) in Crimea as Russians

Poor, poor Russians. They are all going to have slanted eyes.

Anonymous said...

You cannot blame the Russians for the policies of the Soviets. Two completely different systems.

This reminds me of the Black reparations gig. Are you responsible for what others did in the past? Should you and your kids have to pay reparations for things you never did. How about if your family did not immigrate to the USA until after 1900?

To blame a society for the sins of the past is a monstrous sin against the innocent.

To say that a completely different government, Such as the Chinese Communist party are responsible for the wrong doings of the Kuomintang of Chiang Kai-shek is preposterous.

Anonymous said...

Ok geniuses. What exact years ar you speaking of? 1930 to 37 or maybe 1940 to 1945. You don't know do you?

Did you sit down and do a itemized list starting with 1918 until 1989? No of course you did not. Why? Because the leadership membership roster is a moving target and you know it is.

My example was not "salted" you moron. It was an historical example of Non Russian SOVIET leaders in the highest positions of the USSR government.

If you look at the entire time line of Soviet leadership..... the following individuals represent the longest serving leaders of the USSR. ....Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev. A person looking at this could say that for the Majority of the years that the Soviet Union existed.......(because of Kurshchev. and Brezhnev.). ..It was a Ukrainian run state.

Besides if you do not think they had their Ukrainian friends, family and allies placed in high positions to support them you are ignorant of Soviet Politics.
Sorry Skoda.. once again, your logic is flawed.

Anonymous said...

Self-parody becomes you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Y'all sound like splc instigators.
Did any'all get to visit God's house today?