Monday, January 16, 2023

The Pandemic Has Been Good For The World's Top 1%


CNBC: The richest 1% of people amassed almost two-thirds of new wealth created in the last two years, Oxfam says 

* Since 2020, the richest 1% of people have accumulated close to two-thirds of all new wealth created around the world, a new report from Oxfam says. 

* Taxes must be increased for the ultra-rich as a “strategic precondition to reducing inequality and resuscitating democracy,” Gabriela Bucher, executive director of Oxfam International said. 

Over the last two years, the richest 1% of people have accumulated close to two-thirds of all new wealth created around the world, a new report from Oxfam says. 

A total of $42 trillion in new wealth has been created since 2020, with $26 trillion, or 63%, of that being amassed by the top 1% of the ultra-rich, according to the report. 

The remaining 99% of the global population collected just $16 trillion of new wealth, the global poverty charity says. 

“A billionaire gained roughly $1.7 million for every $1 of new global wealth earned by a person in the bottom 90 percent,” the report, released as the World Economic Forum kicks off in Davos, Switzerland, reads.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The OXFAM report is here .... Survival of the Fittest (Oxfam). 

Oxfam Says The Richest 1% Amassed Almost Two-Thirds Of New Wealth Created In The Last Two Years 

The top 1% captured nearly twice as much new wealth as the rest of the world over last two years -- CNN  

Call for new taxes on super-rich after 1% pocket two-thirds of all new wealth -- The Guardian  

Oxfam calls for 'billionaire-busting' policies, says the world's top 1% has been getting richer much faster than everyone else -- Business Insider  

Richest 1% bag two-thirds of $42 trillion in new wealth: Oxfam -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

Yeah ofc - the politicians that mega corporations put into power - put laws into place, during covid especially, that took the money from the middle class, small businesses, destroyed them, and gave it all to the 1%

it was a blood bath for the middle class - trillions taken - with covid shutdowns as excuse, which killed countless more!

Anonymous said...

We could have a nuclear exchange between two major powers and all the rich would still make money off it. Theres nothing we can do.