Saturday, January 7, 2023

The U.S. Congress Elects A Speaker

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of Calif., gestures towards the newly installed nameplate at his office after he was sworn in as speaker of the 118th Congress in Washington  

Daily Mail: 'That was easy, huh?' Kevin McCarthy's opening speech sparks uproar as he issues warning to Hakeem Jeffries after FINALLY becoming Speaker following four days of chaos, 15 ballots and a near-punch up in Congress 

* The final vote tally was 216 for McCarthy, 211 for Democrat Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries and six 'present' votes  

* After the 14th ballot left McCarthy one vote short of the speakership, he immediately walked over to 'present' voters Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz 

* Rep. Mike Rogers then lunged at Gaetz and had to be held back by Rep. Richard Hudson before an all-out fist fight could break out on the House floor 

On the 15th ballot over a series of four days, Rep. Kevin McCarthy finally won the coveted title: Speaker of the House.

'That was easy, huh?' McCarthy began in his victory speech - shortly after South Carolina Representative Mike Rogers had to be held back from attacking Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz. 

The two Republicans almost came to blows over Gaetz's refusal to back McCarthy during the 14th vote, costing him that contest, with the violent clash coming as tempers frayed over the mammoth voting-process.   

Read more ....  

Update #1: McCarthy elected House speaker in rowdy post-midnight vote (AP)  

Update #2: Kevin McCarthy secures Speakership after historic floor battle (The Hill)  

WNU Editor: I have to give credit where credit is due. 

The "Squad" for the Democrats had the opportunity to gain real power in the last Democrat controlled Congress but folded when threatened, choosing instead to be social and main stream media distractions. 

The Republicans in the Freedom caucus wanted to be positioned to have real power and influence, did not fold, and it looks like they got it. Only time will tell if it was worth it.


Anonymous said...

What a disgraceful photo--McCarthy is already boasting about his election as Speaker, as if he never was rebuffed for 14 votes. All ego and pride--just what the US needs...

Anonymous said...

Let’s hope and pray he isn’t another Paul Ryan, what a disaster that was.

Mr. Nobody said...

His actions are indicative of how Blobers operate. He will prance around in arrogant victory. This is how the Blob operates. Somalia, Libya, the Russian gate impeachment, the election of Biden.

They present themselves with smarmy arrogance of how "right their cause is" and how they "deserved" to win or it was somehow inevitable that they won.

These creatures are all sick puppies.

Once the Blob progressives achieve their goals in the Ukraine, they will act the same way. A victory for them will be celebrated as a true, unprecedented though expected, win for LGBTQ (human) rights and the inevitability of the advancement of the superior progressive cultural agenda. What crock of crap.

Then after their victory, these entitled idiots can increase their stateside efforts and continue to insist in shoving their ideological crap down our throats.

Welcome to America in the 21st Century.