Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Top Secret Documents Found In Biden's Private Office Pertained To Ukraine, Iran, And The UK


CNN: Exclusive: US intelligence materials related to Ukraine, Iran and UK found in Biden’s private office, source tells CNN  

Among the items from Joe Biden’s time as vice president discovered in a private office last fall are 10 classified documents including US intelligence memos and briefing materials that covered topics including Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom, according to a source familiar with the matter. 

Attorney General Merrick Garland has received a preliminary report on the documents inquiry, a law enforcement source said, and now faces the critical decision on how to proceed, including whether to open a full-blown criminal investigation. John Lausch Jr., the US attorney in Chicago, has briefed Garland multiple times. 

No additional briefings are scheduled but would be conducted if necessary, a source said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: They are still going to try and charge former President Trump, but expect a lot of blow-back that a double standard is at play .... Biden's stashed classified documents could end case against Trump (FOX News). More here .... DOJ Faces New Nightmare in Prosecuting Donald Trump (Newsweek).  

Update: It is moments like this that Buddha reminds us that when you point a finger at someone, you are actually pointing three at yourself .... If Trump was 'irresponsible' for stashing secret documents, what does it make Biden? (USA Today). 

 Top Secret Documents Found In Biden's Private Office Pertained To Ukraine, Iran, And The UK  

Biden ‘surprised’ government records found at old office -- AP  

Biden ‘Surprised’ to Learn Classified Documents Were Found in Private Office -- New York Times  

Biden "surprised" government records taken to his old office -- Axios  

Biden says he ‘doesn’t know’ what documents were found in private office -- The Hill  

GOP-led House Oversight Committee to investigate Biden docs -- Axios  

GOP Intelligence chair asks for damage assessment from Biden records -- The Hill  

Pence: Discovery of classified documents from Biden’s time as VP ‘incredibly frustrating’ -- The Hill


Anonymous said...

The American Public was told lies about the Trump documents, We were told that it was nuke secrets. That was done to shape public opinion. Then after the election was over or nearly over, then we were told they were not nuclear classified documents.

We were told what these documents were in 24 to 48 hours after the situation (euphemism) was revealed after being withheld from the public until 2 months after the election. Still when the public was made aware of the existence of the docs we learned the nature of them (at least 1/2 way) quickly.

It was not some Republican leaking this information to the press to damage Democrats. Most commentators believe this is a shot across Biden's bow. all the good that will to get the attention of Captain Biden sailing on the DS Oblivious. Biden announced that he wants to run in 2024 and some Democrats leaked these documents to dissuade him.

This was never about national security. This is about partisan warfare inter and intra party. The only ones doing the underhanded aggressing are the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Obama has classified documents too. His people told the archives that they would get to it when they get to it. But to cover costs of processing here is 3.5 million.

The documents are stored in a converted furniture store. Furniture stores in America are built like fort Knox to prevent looting. So they are in a very secure location.

I mean what Russki or Chinese agent would risk life and lib to enter the city limits of Mayor Lightfoot's Chiraq to break into the fortified furniture store?

We need not worry. former Retired will read something in the Washington Post, MYT, Salon, Vox, Daily Beast or similar rag and tell us tomorrow morning that this is all nothing to worry about.