Monday, January 23, 2023

Ukraine Braces For A Major Russian Counter-Offensive


CBC: Ukraine braces for expected new Russian onslaught, with or without Western tanks  

Along the front line, Ukrainian forces are wondering where Russia will strike next 

Exactly where and when Russia will launch its expected next offensive no one can be sure, but Ukrainian soldier Volodymyr Tereshchenko wants to ensure any Russian he confronts regrets it. 

Tereshchenko, a burly, bearded 50-year-old, is part of Ukraine's northern defensive line, tasked with securing the marshy, forested terrain along the border with Belarus and — more to the point — preventing Russian forces from making another assault on the capital Kyiv and other Ukrainan cities. 

In the days after Russia's invasion last February, troops attempted to take Chernihiv, about 50 kilometres from Tereshchenko's position, with thousands of soldiers swarming through the area.  

Read more ....  

Update: As a Russian offensive looms, Ukraine races to train military on new Western weapons (CNN)  

WNU Editor: Some of my regular readers who have extensive military experience tell me to expect a Russian offensive late February or March. I hope they are wrong. That with the exception of the battles in the Donbas much of what Russia has deployed and/or will deploy is to establish and force a frozen front/conflict that with time will exhaust the West. Either way the next two months are going to be critical on what direction this war is heading.


Mr Nobody said...


As we have discussed on this blog since November. Did you ever doubt it? I guess the MSM is just figuring it out.

The only addition to this, for us, would be that our predicted 30 to 90 day window has gotten shorter and changed to the 30 to 60 day window.

Our mantra is still valid.

This war is

Not the Ukraine's to win.

It is Russia's to lose.

This battle / operation will be on the level of D day, Midway or Stalingrad.

In that..... It will determine everything.

That part of the world will be reshaped for the next hundred years.

The Ukraine will either cease to exist as it is now formed/established or the Russian government will fall.

The other consequence is that if the Ukrainians fall.....

The repercussions in the West will be ugly, both economically and politically.

The way that mess will play out is pure speculation.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully we don't see November 1942's Operation Uranus that the Russians used against Stalingrads front!

I suspect the EU and NATO would leave the Ukrainian Army wither on the vine to.

Mr Nobody said...

It is sad and a human tragedy.

In April Ole Boris told Zelinski not to enter a peace agreement. Before that it was the false Minsk agreements

Now thousands have died and more will too.