Sunday, January 15, 2023

Ukraine Is Now A Testbed For Western Weapons And Battlefield Innovation

"Ghost", 24, a soldier with the 58th Independent Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Ukrainian Army, catches a drone while testing it so it can be used nearby. Leah Millis/Reuters  

CNN: How Ukraine became a testbed for Western weapons and battlefield innovation  

Last fall, as Ukraine won back large swaths of territory in a series of counterattacks, it pounded Russian forces with American-made artillery and rockets. Guiding some of that artillery was a homemade targeting system that Ukraine developed on the battlefield. 

A piece of Ukrainian-made software has turned readily available tablet computers and smartphones into sophisticated targeting tools that are now used widely across the Ukrainian military. 

The result is a mobile app that feeds satellite and other intelligence imagery into a real-time targeting algorithm that helps units near the front direct fire onto specific targets. And because it’s an app, not a piece of hardware, it’s easy to quickly update and upgrade, and available to a wide range of personnel. 

US officials familiar with the tool say it has been highly effective at directing Ukrainian artillery fire onto Russian targets.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: There is a lot of truth to the saying "never let a crisis go to waste". One can also now say "never let a war go to waste".


Anonymous said...

MIL and other industries are always eager to have their equipment tested under live condition s to work out bugs.
That way, when selling the item to a third party they can say...oh yes, it has been combat tested witb excellent results.
They get a better price tgat way

Anonymous said...

It is a test bed for Russian equipment too.

It works both ways, but WNU can never pass up an opportunity to lie by omission.

Anonymous said...

Sucks to say it, sorry. Better them than us.

Anonymous said...

Well the problem is that this thinking "never let a crisis go to waste" led to people (lets call them Davos members) CREATING crisis on a planned schedule, with "solutions" ready for us.


and they make trillions of these totally "random" crises

Anonymous said...

Dirty little secret is that Russian arms factories are owned by Martians.

The longer the war goes on the richer the Martians get. Russian oligarchs with ties to Medvedev and Putin will not see one thin dime of profit from this war.

WNU is the ambassador to the Martians. It is why he has the chalet. He can meet the Martians in their flying saucers in boonies of Quebec.