Saturday, January 7, 2023

Ukraine's Defense Minister Says Ukraine Has De Facto Become A Part Of NATO, And Expects Weapons In Return


Ukrinform: This year, Ukraine de facto became part of NATO - Reznikov 

This year, Ukraine de facto became part of NATO - Reznikov Ukraine's Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov has said that this year, Ukraine de facto became part of NATO, and this cooperation will continue. 

According to Ukrinform, Reznikov said this in a post on Facebook. 

"The year 2022 was a year of great challenges as well as great changes. I thank our soldiers who mastered four types of Western MLRS and destroy the enemy with ten types of Western artillery. They successfully defend our skies with IRIS, NASAMS [air defense systems] and proved that they will be able to effectively use the Patriots. Today, they are rewriting the textbooks on military art," Reznikov said.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This admission from Ukraine's defense minister is only feeding into the Russian narrative that NATO is at war with Russia .... Bombshell Admission: Ukraine is ‘Carrying Out NATO’s Mission’ Against Russia, Defense Chief Says (Sputnik). More here .... Ukraine on ‘NATO mission’ – defense minister (RT).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anyone who's been paying attention to the genuine situation in the war by looking at a variety of worldwide news outlets as opposed to those watching the globalist regime propaganda outlets like CNN, MSNBC, BBC, ITN, SKY News etc knows that the Ukrainian army is a proxy American/British army doing battle with Russia. America & Britain will fight to the last Ukrainian. When the Russian steam roller starts, what price a Polish land grab in Ukraine? Keep ducking