Thursday, January 19, 2023

U.S. Decides Against Sending Tanks To Ukraine


 The Hill: US decides against sending tanks to Ukraine in aid package 

After all the talk around tanks, the U.S. chose not to include them in the latest aid package for Ukraine. 

We’ll talk about why the decision was made and what that means for Kyiv. We’ve also got the rundown on $125 million in U.S. funding to support Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s vow to retake the Crimean peninsula. 

For The Hill, I’m Brad Dress. Let’s jump in.  

Read more ....  

Update: $2.5 billion more U.S. military aid headed to Ukraine, but no tanks (ABC News)  

WNU editor: The Pentagon says their tanks aren't suited, pointing instead to Germany.


Anonymous said...

I doubt Germany will send the panzers into Ukraine. Not a good look after WW2. It might be that Britain will be the only country to send western tanks. A mere folly as those 14 Challengers will last about 14 minutes before they are knocked out. Keep ducking

RussInSoCal said...

Leopard 2's are better suited for Ukraine. Both logistically and psychologically. The Russians will not appreciate facing modern German tanks.

fazman said...

The contents is that many European countries will send leooards totalling in the hundreds if Germany approves it. Poland has stated it will supply even if Germany doesn't, this will open the flood gates to even possibly the lethal French le clerc .
As for the 14 lasting 14 minutes , if used intelligeny with marders and Bradley's to punch a hole through Russian line with infantry cover they will destroy literally dozens of soviet tanks with longer range , first shot kill and a far far superior fire control not to mention being able to take a t72 direct hit

Anonymous said...

Quite a coincidence. I've also decided against sending tanks to Ukraine, probably for different reasons.

Anonymous said...

Ha! More like they don't want footage of their precious abramses on the news or internet, as smoldering identifiable wreckage.

RussInSoCal said...

1:52 AM

That's funny but its not why the US is not sending M1's to Ukraine.

Anonymous said...


I'd like to see all your comments, very funny, so funny.

fazman said...

Exactly , we know how t72s fared in 91 🤣

Ron said...

Russia controls the air and has peer level missile technology. I agree with the reason they won't send the abrams because without air cover they wouldn't last long. there is also the earlier story about the "secret" meeting by our CIA director with Zelensky. The Washington Post suggesting that the purpose was to tell zelensky things aren't looking so good. A leaked story to the WaPo is a CIA narrative push. A lot to think about. Ron

Anonymous said...

The Ukrainians do not have air superiority, but neither do the Russians.

If Burns told Zelensky that then Burns is a wuss. Being a wuss in such a position is a bad thing, but no so bad for burns personally since he is surrounded by wusses.

Biden is a wuss. he took a weapon to a fist fight.

Blinken? Blinken is a self hating Jews wuss. Not too bright and the worst Sec, of State ever.

Nicolas Darkwater said...

Leopard 2s use diesel. Abrams use aviation JP-5 -- a lot of it. It's not just a matter of tanks, but the added logistics train that goes with them.